Breast cancer
posted by Mrs_H
01 September 2021

Waiting Times

Last reply: 02 September 2021 13:39

I had a biopsy on July 20th, which showed grade 2, Her2 positive cancer, stage 2.
Since then - nothing has happened... I am waiting.
Is that normal for COVID times?



commented by BerM
01 September 2021

01 September 2021 21:27

Where was diagnosis made? Seems like a long wait.

commented by Cancer Nurse
02 September 2021

02 September 2021 13:39

Hi Mrs H,

Thank you for posting on the Online Community.

I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with cancer. This must be a difficult time for you especially as you have been waiting for so long.

We would urge you to contact the hospital you were attending to get an update on your treatment plan. You can call the unit you attended for your biopsy, the consultants secretary or the specialist nurse if you have their contact details. If you are unable to make contact with the hospital, you should contact your GP, they might know more about your treatment plan or they might be able to contact the hospital.

It might also be helpful for you to contact one of our nurses on the Support Line, with a little more detail we might be able to give you some more advice. Our Support Line Freephone number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind Regards,

Cancer Nurse

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