Breast cancer
posted by luciebutterfly
21 March 2011

waiting, waiting, waiting

Last reply: 23 March 2011 20:47

I discovered a lump about 3 weeks ago, went to the Breast Clinic in Eccles St last week, and they confirmed two "highly suspicious" lumps in my breast, and a larger than should be lump under my arm (nodes were mentioned). I had the mammogram, the ultrasound and a core biopsy.

I don't get any results until later this week, and though i feel reasonably calm, I keep going over and over the various pieces of information, and the accompanying expressions of concern of the various faces I met on the day of the tests. There seemed to be concern about the fact that there were two aspects to be investigated.

I am wondering if anyone has had a similar scenario (two bits in the boob and another bit in the armpit) and it didnt turn out to be cancer. I mean, there are plenty of lumps and bumps which turn out benign. Just looking for stories...

Thanks for any tales.



commented by hopeful2
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 11:03

Dear Lucie, The waiting is the worst part, try to keep busy as there is nothing you can do about the results, they may be b9 but unfortunately if the medical staff describes the areas as highly suspicious, they mean highly suspicious for cancer, i am hoping i am wrong but it was actually the nurse from this org that told me that when i rang about core biopsies enquiry.

however the diagnosis is not as bad as the waiting, the treatment while hard is doable and time flies, you will be out the other side and forgetting about the side effects in no time. when someone mentions a side effect you will think oh i had that too, i had forgotten about that.

heres hoping for b9 results but if it does turn out to be breast cancer please do not hesitate to ask question here as if i can't help you i am sure someone else will.

take care and big hugs, fingers and toes also crossed for gd news.

commented by luciebutterfly
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 12:06

Thanks for the reply, the info and the well wishes.
Image removed. + Image removed.
I'll keep you posted.

commented by FH2
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 12:40

Hi Lucie,

Sorry to hear you are having to go through this at the moment. If you look back on past posts here, you will see that, time and time again, everyone complains that it is the WAITING (grr) that is the worst part. 'Hopeful' is right, all you can do is keep busy in the meantime.

I believe that the majority of lumps and bumps in breasts are cysts or something benign. I had 1 in breast and 1 underarm but it did turn out to be cancerous. BUT, I am 5 years out this year (this is an important time stamp) and am still clear. I also attend Eccles St and find them very good.

Good luck for your results and keep us posted.


commented by encee
23 March 2011

23 March 2011 11:00

Dear Lucie
It is a fact that the waiting for your biopsy results is the just the pits; but if nothing else, it gives you a chance to get as much information both benign and malignant tumours as possible before you go back for your results and be able to have a good and informed conversation with them about the outcome.

I remember having such a pain in my face from clenching my jaws and putting on the biggest, brightest smile for the two weeks it took for me to get my results. And guess what! The day I got the results hardly registered on the stress scale at all as I had done all my research and asked soooooo many questions through websites like this one.

Be good to yourself Lucie while you wait and if you are able to try and eat well and get lots of sleep - you can do anything with a full belly and having had a full-nights sleep.

Thinking of you and praying that all will be well for you

Encee x

commented by janeymac
23 March 2011

23 March 2011 20:47

Hi Lucie
Yes waiting is awful and I do hope that you won't have to hear bad news. But unfortunately I don't think a core biopsy is normally done unless there is something suspicious. I had a triple assessment followed by a core biopsy and managed to convince myself that they would find nothing. However it was confirmed that the lump was cancerous and I had a mastectomy. BUT that was last June and I am now finished chemo, radiotherapy and feeling absolutely great Image removed.

Remember to bring someone with you when you go back for your results, they can ask the questions you forget to ask, and will hear some of the info that you miss.
All the best,

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