Breast cancer
posted by irishindenmark
21 July 2013

Yet another new member !

Last reply: 01 August 2013 19:45

Hi Members Image removed.

Im Misey from Dublin. I have been living abroad about 23 years, and recently decided upon returning to Dublin to live. I worked out my plan that once i finished my education in Copenhagen, i would put my flat up for sale, and then make my move.

Things were panning out fine,until i went to my half yearly check and it was discovered the cancer is back.....i almost reached the 5 year mark of surviving breast cancer. The doctor seems upbeat that they can cure me, but tell me that i have a chonic illness and need to have herceptin rest of life. God knows how long rest of my life is!!

Anways im still going with my plan to move back to Dublin,though now its seems much more complicated. I dont have the energy tothink about all the paper work i will have to contend with. The chemo is giving me a lot of side effects puha.

Would there happen to be others who moved back to Ireland, willing to share their experiences??

Have a good sunday,kind regards Misey



commented by Resolute
21 July 2013

21 July 2013 09:34

Hello Misey!

Welcome aboard! Are you currently having your treatment in Ireland or do you have to also organise that?? I am starting Radiology tomorrow morning and I have to say that my experience with the medical profession here so far has been great! Before this I didn't really know anything about cancer and wouldn't have given it a second thought, but our NCCP (National Cancer Control Programme) really seems to be doing its job which is good news for all of us! Image removed.

Resolute Image removed.

commented by irishindenmark
21 July 2013

21 July 2013 17:23

Hello Resolute Image removed.
Thanks for the lovely irish welcome!!

Im still living and having treatment in Copenhagen. First i need to sell my flat before moving back to Dublin, and i will hear the result of a scan on 14 august, if i need to continue with chemo, have an operation or just get herceptin. Its all up in the air at the moment for me.

I read that statistics show survival rate for cancer patients is better in Ireland than Denmark...another plus for my reason to move back Image removed.

How many radiations will you have? I never had radiation but heard people can get tired and sore from it. I hope anyway that you can see an end to your treatment soon! Misey

commented by Resolute
21 July 2013

21 July 2013 17:43


I think I'll get away with 20 sessions as long as my skin holds up Image removed. if not I think they may have to extend it to 30 so fingers crossed! But yes compared to some on this forum I feel I have escaped soo lightly, early diagnosis and no node involvement.. so just surgery, radiation and the 'delightful' Tamoxifen for 5 yrs!!!! I had the oncotype DX test done and my score was low so no chemo although I would have approached it with gusto also if the result had been different Image removed. It makes sense that you would 'complete' your treatment in Copenhagen before moving but I guess you are largely waiting for the result of your scan??? That's the annoying thing, our lives become one big waiting game..appointments...scans...treatment dates...
Fingers & all crossed for you!!!


commented by irishindenmark
22 July 2013

22 July 2013 17:56

Hey Resolute

How was your first radiation today?? How often will you have them? Fingers crossed you dont have to endure more than 20.

You have been thru a lot regardless of not having chemo. Im not sure any of us approach chemo with gusto- i sure didnt, but amazing what one will do if one dont have a choice.

Yes the waiting game is right. I eagerly await result of my scan next month. The doctor told me icould be having chemo for up to a year, but she will review my situation every 3 months.
I intend to move back to Dublin, when my flat is sold. Its agood selling time so it could be anytime soon. As for my treatment, i will move back inbetween treatments. Its just all the different departments i have to contact, before i move back. Ah i guess everything will turn out right in the end Image removed. Misey

commented by Resolute
23 July 2013

23 July 2013 08:10

Hello Misey

The first radiation treatment went fine yesterday, in fact I'm sure it was a 'doddle' compared to what you are goin through with chemo.. the driving up is the worst pain, but I'm glad to be able to do it ..

Having read your first post again I'm thinking how scary it must be to nearly reach the 5 yr marker and suddenly your world is thrown upside down again - that must have been an absolute nightmare for you to get your head around??? Image removed.


commented by irishindenmark
24 July 2013

24 July 2013 17:53

Hi again Resolute

I cried when i read your response....ohh it was so good to cry...thank you!!
I was overwhelmed with everything yesterday- had chemo, so im not feeling great, then to add to my troubles the nurse told me that my last chemo is not 2 august- i hoped to see an end to chemo soon, but think i should prepare myself for another few months.

With my chemo brain, i have not figured out how to write my profile. I was diagnosed with breast cancer end of 2007, had mastectomy,chemo and herceptin for a year. Im sure you can also relate to the shock of it......
For 3 years after i got well, i lived in fear and did not dare to make changes in my life....just in case it come back. Then 2 years ago i put the illness behind me and made changes. In april i put my flat up for sale- it was time to move home(Dublin)
In may i went to my half yearly check-up and expected it to be fine. It was a shock i have cancer again, this time in lymph nodes in armpit and close to collar bone.
It scares me the cancer will get out of control, so it will be a relief to sell my flat and get my affairs in order, and of course move back home.

It is nice to be a member of this site. Family and friends dont quiet understand the chaos in my head.....but how can they?

Enough about my woes!!

One radiation down- 19/29 to go Image removed. Thats a pain you live so far from the hospital. Where is St Lukes? - embarrassing i dont know my way around the city of my youth Image removed. Misey

commented by WicklowLady
24 July 2013

24 July 2013 18:12

Oh it's a scary place. I get scared when I read some posts. I was found to have idc last August. Her2 positive oestrogen negative. I've two he herceptins left then I'm out in the wide world on my own. I think I will always worry about it coming back. It does with some , with others it never comes back. Luck of the draw I suppose. The only thing I take out of it is we are monitored very closely all the time unlike other people who never had cancer who don't know what they have. I've just came back from a friends funeral, she was only 48 got a cough at Christmas (she was a smoker) and went to doctor in march and they sent her for a scan and told her he only had months to live. We worked together and then we were having radiotherapy together. Weird world. They are making great advances and hopefully will get a cure fir the aggressive and rare cancers real soon . This is a good forum as everyone understands what the other is going through.

commented by irishindenmark
25 July 2013

25 July 2013 10:30

Hello Wicklowlady

Sorry to hear about your friend- she was way too young.

I get sad to read some posts and it reminds me that however bad my situation,there are others worse off.
Some posters dont give an up-date on how things panned out for them, and i wonder how they are now.

Lucky you only 2 herceptin left Image removed. I envy you as i have it rest of my life. We are lucky to have herceptin- did not exist 10 years ago. Yes they make gradual advances in the treatment of cancer.

Stay healthy, kind regards Misey

commented by Resolute
25 July 2013

25 July 2013 13:29

Hello Misey!

Hope you are feeling okay today.. I'm sorry about the tears (cyber hugs to you) Image removed. but as you say it's good to let it all out every now and then!

Almost one week of radiation done and so far no side effects.. St Lukes is in Rathgar and is iconic really in that it has always been a 'cancer' hospital and is held up by most people as the benchmark for how it should be done - and I must agree it is an incredible place where all the staff are angels Image removed.

Do you mind me asking were your lymph nodes checked back in 2007 and clear??

Resolute Image removed.

commented by irishindenmark
25 July 2013

25 July 2013 18:15

Hey Resolute

Thanks for the cyber hug - though im still feeling like crap from chemo, that cyber hug raised my spirit Image removed.

Glad for you that your treatment is going well. You must have 3 or 5 weeks left??

You are quick to observe....actually the doctor who checked my lymph nodes, asked me the same question. I told him only 1 node was taken out,and it was fine. He seemed surprised by this,but made no comment. Guess they should have taken out more?

Im running around like a headless chicken today. I travel to London tomorrow, for my brothers wedding on saturday. On sunday i travel to Dublin for 2 nights, then back to Copenhagen.

Take care til we talk again Image removed. Misey

commented by WicklowLady
25 July 2013

25 July 2013 20:15

Oh God I had one node taken out only and it was clear and I only had a lumpectomy . Scary. I was her2 positive as well.

commented by Resolute
26 July 2013

26 July 2013 17:40

Hello Misey!

I hope that you enjoy the wedding and then try to take each day as it comes Image removed. Don't forget about us when you get back to Copenhagen Image removed. we're always here on the other end of your keyboard!!!

Wicklowlady - I know it is hard not to think of the what if's... but we really do have to buy into positive thinking or we could go mad!! I agree we should always question (it is our body) but at the same time we have no choice but to go with the professionals??

Resolute Image removed.

commented by deefed
29 July 2013

29 July 2013 14:15

Hi Misey always hate to see a new member here but you are very welcome. I feel so sorry for you that the bastard had to come back again and especially in your situation when you are trying to move home. Have you contacted the hospitals here? I was in Vincents they have great staff there (as I am sure they do in the other hospitals). I have just come through 8 rounds of chemo, a masectomy and now half way through rads in Lukes........

Rads as resolue is a walk in the part its more a pain if anything else. Resolue dont know what you look like there doesnt seem to be too many women in Lukes be great to catch up for a coffee in there soem day?

Once again Misey main thing is you are not alone...... I dont google anything anymore I just chat with real people here who have gone through it.


commented by Resolute
30 July 2013

30 July 2013 15:39

Hello Misey
Hope you survived the weekend and that you're not feeling too bad Image removed. Onto my 2nd week now and skin in good shape so far Image removed.

deefed - I'm usually in between 11 and 12 noon?? on unit 3 or unit 4 (depending which unit is in use on the day) are you there at that time?? If so would love to meet up for a coffee!! Image removed.

Cyber hugs!


commented by irishindenmark
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 12:32

Hej Resolute Image removed.

Are ya kidding me?- of course i will come back to chat again Image removed.

Now you almost have 2 weeks rads outta the way- keep up the good work Image removed.

Despite my poor health from chemo, i had a great time at my brothers wedding and reception, and enjoyed 2 nights in Dublin....did not enjoy the heavy shower though Image removed.

Hej Wicklowlady

Sorry if i gave cause for concern......Resolute gave sound advice on the matter. So i hope you are sleeping better at night Image removed.

Hej Dee

Thanks for your understanding. I should be concentrating on getting well again, but i have so muc to think about with selling my flat, shipping belongings over, get a medical card, tax card, find a doctor etc....i exhausted thinking of it Image removed. Whilst i was in Dublin, i went to Cherry orchard health center to enquire about medical card, was told to go to the community center, and they told me go to Finglas.....jasus does anybody know puha.
I intend to move to Palmerstown when i move back- would i be sent to St James for treatment? - does it depend on where one lives?

I see you started treatment back in october- must be nice that the end is in sight?

Big hugs Misey

commented by Resolute
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 16:48

Misey Image removed.

So glad you enjoyed the wedding! Presume you are now back in Copenhagen and counting down to your next result on 14th?? I'm still good, though they said today that from now on my skin could begin to deteriorate so fingers crossed eh!

You take care and keep in touch with us Image removed.


commented by irishindenmark
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 19:45

Hey Resolute Image removed.

Yes i had a great time,but had to cut it short to be back in Copenhagen for my dose of chemo tomorrow.

I cross my fingers that you wont endure suffering with the rads- remember you are almost halfway!!

Talk soon Image removed. Misey

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