Cervical cancer
posted by FK
02 July 2024

Biopsy wait

Last reply: 02 July 2024 21:14

Hope anyone can help or reassure me please, I haven't been diagnosed with Cervical Cancer but had a Colposcopy and biopsy 4 weeks ago due to high grade changes in my cervix(didn't have a smear test in 10 years which I know is stupid on my my part) My mum and 1st cousin both died from Cervical Cancer,I'm in my late 40's & haven't slept since the biopsy.I rang the hospital today & there is no sign of my results & sick of my husband saying "no news is good news"..have any of you ladies been in the same position as in waiting 4 weeks or more for results.Thank you.



commented by Jenni53
02 July 2024

02 July 2024 15:15


Sorry to hear that you are waiting so long for the results of a colposcopy and biopsy.

I had my annual mammogram in March and was waiting for about two months for my results. I was given the all clear in about May.

Wishing you the best of luck with your results when you get them.

Best wishes

commented by FK
02 July 2024

02 July 2024 21:14

Thank you Jenni53, l didn't realise that mammogram results also take a considerable amt of time to come back,thankfully you were given the all clear.

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