(APML) Acute Promyelocytic Mylogenous Leukaemia
Hi, my name is Aoife and I was diagnosed with APML on August 15th 2010. It's a pretty rare form of leukaemia (a subset of AML) so if anyone has any questions I can answer or help with just let me know.
I've been through 4 doses of chemo on Burkitt's Ward in St. James' and am about to move into the maintenance programme as an out patient. I was on the Spanish Protocol, a new version of which (LPA2005) was published in June of last year.
I'm 32, irish and I've tolerated things well so far, thankfully, and have been in molecular remission since the first (induction) round.
anyway, I know only a handful of folk get this each year so first hand info can be thin on the ground (I certainly found it to be) so if you, or a relative/friend have been diagnosed and you have queries or want to share experiences I reckon this might be a good place to do it. I've written a couple of blogs about my experience too, which you can read [url=http://stranded.ie/category/leukaemia-2:1h5d65ah]here>[/url:1h5d65ah]
was just reading ur blog there! very good!
It sounded like a tough road.
I had 6 months of treatment in tallaght and then a month for my transplant in James. I go in every two weeks for a check up!
Keep blogging, people need to know peoples experiences! It is one crappy illness but it is so manageable these days! And it gives u some hell of a different perspective on life.
Hope ur doing well at the momemt and that you continue to do so.
Thanks! I think it's good to blog too- hopefully it'll give others some good info to relate to if they're at the start of the journey. I've started my maintenance finally, and so far so good- no side effects as yet so fingers crossed it stays that way.
Hope you're doing well post transplant - that's a really tough thing to go through, far tougher than I had to endure. oh- and you're so right about the perspective shift!
mind yourself
Hi Aoife,
I dont know much about your type of luakemia,mine is chronic myeloid luakemia.I attend Galway University Hospital,like yours mine is very rare.I think 1case /100,000(thousand).
There is a site called navigatingcancer.com which deals with lukaemia.
You have to have windows7to use it.
I hope this is of some use to you.God Bless.