Lung cancer
posted by Dottie
04 February 2017

World has turned upside down

Last reply: 31 March 2017 23:39

Hello reader, my husband 53 has just been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Right lung upper lobe .inoperable due to collapse of the top 3rd of lung and where it is placed. Sub group Squameons stage 3A... now that is all double dutch to me and i'm afraid to go on google. Heading for a pet scan on Monday next and that result will determine when chemo and radium starts ... Im scared shitless... ;(



commented by glynch
21 February 2017

21 February 2017 11:06

Dear Dottie

I am very sorry to read that your husband has been diagnosed with lung cancer.This must have come as an awful shock to you both.By now you may know the results of his PET scan and maybe you now know what treatment is suitable for his type of lung cancer. We have a book Understanding Cancer of the Lung and I am attaching a link to it

However if you would like to phone a cancer nurse, here to talk about how you are as you said yourself,’your whole world has been turned upside down’ and if we can give any advice,information or support during this difficult time we would like to support you.

Our Cancer Nurseline phone number is 1800 200 700 Mon-Fri 10-4pm  or you could call into one of our Daffodil Centres and speak to a cancer nurse

Kind regards


Web Services Coordinator

commented by Dottie
28 February 2017

28 February 2017 22:48

Thanks Graham, he has a 5-6cm mass in the right hilum encasing the main stem bronchus and right pulmonary artery , Associated paratracheal and subcarnial adenopathy. Squagmous cells carcinoma, p63 positive staged at Ct4n3Mx .... a whole lot of big scary words.. His pet scan was clear thankfully and he has started chemo ( 6 sessions ) and has his first cycle done, also started his radium ( 33 sessions ) today , Radical treatment and hoping for " remission " rather than cure. We have been blessed with the care and speed at which his treatment has been delivered so far. I think a phone call to the nurseline would be good for me to understand somemore of these terms as google just ain't the place to look at right now.

commented by leobloom
31 March 2017

31 March 2017 23:39

I am impressed and amazed at the amount of information and detail which you have. I am just told that i have lung cancer stage 3 treatable but inoperable.

should i ask for more information?

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