Ovarian cancer
posted by Molly29
07 September 2021

Waiting results

Last reply: 14 September 2021 19:59

I recently had surgery on my ovary. I was told post op that my ovary “appeared suspicious” and a biopsy was taken.
I have been given a follow up appointment for a 6 week post op check up.
I know it’s hard to say, but if it was/is anything cancer related would I be called and informed or would some biopsy results take that long?



commented by Cancer Nurse
14 September 2021

14 September 2021 11:07

Dear Molly ,I am sorry to read of the anxious time you are going through. It was difficult for you to hear that the biopsy appeared suspicious and to not know any more since. I would not expect a biopsy result to take this long. We would suggest you ask your GP to contact the gynaecologist on your behalf for further information. It can be that initial results warrant further investigations which then may need to be discussed at a multi-disciplinary team to decide what treatment plan, if any is recommended before coming back to you with this completed information.

Nonetheless waiting is very difficult so do phone us at 1800 200 700 if you would like to discuss this further.

Kind regards

Cancer Nurse

commented by Molly29
14 September 2021

14 September 2021 19:59

Thank you very much for your reply! Will do.

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