posted by eric901
14 May 2021
Metastic Melanoma
Last reply:
17 May 2021 16:54
Hi, my dad has metastatic melanoma in his brain. We have been through the highs and lows for the last few years of available Irish treatments. He has gone though all the courses here and wondering has anyone any advice on where to look for treatments abroad for this? Thank you,
Hi Eric,
Thank you for posting and I am very sorry to read about the situation with your Dad, It must be incredibly difficult for yourself and your family. I have attached a link here with information about the support we provide that may be helpful.
We would recommend to speak with your fathers consultant about available treatments abroad, they can advise if there is any suitable treatments available and also how to access these. It may also be worthwhile to enquire with your dads consultant about clinical trials.
You could also request a second opinion from a different doctor to discuss what treatment options may be available. If you would like an opinion from a doctor outside Ireland, the Royal Marsden in London offer a second opinion service and I have attached details here.
I hope this information is helpful Eric, please don’t hesitate to call us on 1800 200 700 if you would like to speak with a cancer nurse for any advice or support.
Kind regards,
Cancer nurse.