Ask a Nurse
posted by Ferntree
20 February 2022

Pain after Axillary clearance

Last reply: 25 February 2022 03:12

Hello, I’m away at the moment otherwise would seek medical assistance. Had axillary clearance done Jan 10 but my under arm is still frozen and upper arm feels Like it has an elastic band around it. I’ve been doing the physio exercises consistently but there’s no change. I start chemo next Friday. Am I ready for it? Will my arm ever improve? I’ve no idea what to expect. Really appreciate any input or shared experience. Thank you



commented by libra1975
20 February 2022

20 February 2022 11:48

Hi Ferntree,
I had my surgery almost 2 weeks ago. I have that numb underarm feeling, and doctor told me that will last several months and the numb area will get smaller and smaller. Some days pain is not too bad, and the next day its sore again. But I think it just takes time. I had lots of very small lymph nodes, so I guess he had to root around quite a bit to take samples of them all. I am waiting for my oncology appointment now. I wish you best of luck with your treatment!

commented by Ferntree
22 February 2022

22 February 2022 08:59

Thanks Libra, that’s very reassuring. It’s so unpredictable isn’t it. Good luck with your next steps too!

commented by libra1975
22 February 2022

22 February 2022 12:55

Unpredictable is right. One day you feel alright, thinking its getting better, next day pain is back. We'll get there, patience and humour I guess.

commented by Ferntree
25 February 2022

25 February 2022 03:12

Thanks - all the best to you too

commented by Gursey1985
23 February 2022

23 February 2022 19:17

Hi i had axillary clearance in 2020 and still have some numbness under my arm..The pulling can be cording just keep doing your physio..Sending love and light on your journey

commented by Ferntree
25 February 2022

25 February 2022 03:11

Thanks, there’s days I whizz through the physio and there’s days I feel so down. Thanks for the encouragement

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