Ask a Nurse
posted by Adrian33
05 July 2020

Triple negative breast cancer

Last reply: 09 July 2020 09:11

My wife is going for a ct scan this week she found a lump on her breast and this is triple negative the doctor said its a small lung going by the mammogram and ultra sound and going by these two test it hasn't gone to the limpno she is having a ct scan on Tuesday is this to find out is it anywhere else in the body
She is also starting chemo on weds we can't find much information on success rates anywhere or anyone that survived this type please help were bought scared

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
09 July 2020

09 July 2020 09:11

Dear Adrian

I am very sorry to hear of the distressing time you and your wife are going through. There is a lot of information on triple negative breast cancer on the internet but your wife’s medical team will be the right people to discuss her situation as they will know the size of her lump and the results of all her other tests including the CT scan, plus any other medical history/family history. It is good to hear that the lump is small and that it hasn’t gone to her lymph glands. Nonetheless this is an extremely difficult time not knowing all the results. If you could phone our cancer Nurseline we could explain ‘triple negative’ and help you prepare questions for her team.

Reading your post your wife may have had her first chemotherapy today. I hope you are both managing this as best as possible as it is difficult for you too not being able to go in with her due to the current restrictions.

If your wife would like to speak to another lady who had triple negative breast cancer a number of years ago we could arrange that through our Nurseline or Daffodil centre. We could also arrange for counselling for either of you. If you phone our Nurseline at 1800 200 700 Mon.-Fri. 9-5pm we will do our best to support you at this time.

Kind regards      

Cancer Nurse

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