My beautiful wife, my friend,
my love, the strongest person mentally and physically I have ever met was diagnosed with cervical cancer in March.
Im caring for her, sorting out her meds and taking her to all her appointments and yet its feels like im not doing enough, I know she feels helpless as she is usually the person that takes care of everyone else and is constantly looking for stuff to do like she used to before she became sick. The being a patient is getting to her but she will get past it.
I cant sleep properly because im worried she will wake up in pain and i wont be at hand to help comfort and ease her. It is really hard listening to the person you love groan in agony in their sleep and know there is nothing you can do to help.
Im hoping and praying all day everyday that the treatment works and she beats this horrible disease for good.
I just wanted to share a little bit of our story and tell everyone to stay strong and there is a world of love and support out there for anyone who needs it ❤
Hi there
So sorry to hear of your wife's diagnosis You sound like your doing an amazing job so well done Your doing all that u can which is enough even tho it might feel like u are not you are Im a cancer survivor (lung cancer) and only know too well about been a bad patient I hated depending on others but had to and in the end it was best Your both lucky to have eachother and its ok for you to struggle too its a very distressing time so mind yourself too There is great support 4 partners through cancer society too I wish ur wife all the best on her cancer journey and pray she comes through it all Sending praying and hugs along your way
Thank you for sharing your story lovely to hear from the partners side💛
Sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds to me like you are doing everything in your power to help your wife as she battles this terrible disease.
I know it is easy for me to say but try not to beat yourself up about how you are coping with looking after your wife.
Wishing you and wife all the best as you face this battle together.
Best wishes
Carrying the weight was meant to be the title but i tried edit it. so thats that