Caring for someone with cancer
21 May 2023

Looking after my husband

Last reply: 02 June 2023 10:38

Hello there, I'm currently looking after my husband who has cancer, and I've stopped work to become his carer..he is on chemo, his tumours are shrinking, and some tests are very positive...but I'm not in a good head space really myself, as I keep thinking the worst case scenarios and its making me sick too. Am I the only person who feels and thinks like this?? I really need some kind of support I think...we live with my elderly father too..who has been great...but I know he doesn't want to see me crying, and my family are just OK, not a great I silly and selfish to feel so lost and sad I need to be perfect for my looking after him 7 days a wk. Thankyou folks in advance ❤

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
02 June 2023

02 June 2023 10:38


I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis. It can be very difficult to watch someone we love go through cancer and its treatments. Its sounds like you have taken on a lot.

It is not surprising that you might need some support. We would be happy to help you through this difficult time.

If you contact our support line on 1800 200 700 and talk to one of our cancer nurses we can discuss things further with you and help arrange counselling if that is what you would like.

We are here – and would love to talk to you.

Kind regards

Cancer Nurse

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