Talking about cancer
posted by clara h
20 July 2024

Newly diagnoised multi focal breast cancer

Last reply: 23 July 2024 15:55

Hello everyone . I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with multifocal invasive carcinoma. It is oestrogen and progesterone receptive . I have six areas in my breast so I need a mastectomy. I am getting the mastectomy and reconstruction on the same day but there is quite a long wait as a plastic surgeon and a general surgeon are involved . It’s now 5 weeks since my initial consultation and they are unable to firm up a date . It’s looking like another 4 to six weeks waiting. I’m a bit demented at this stage. I wonder has anyone a similar experience and were they given chemo? I think you are less likely to have radium with a mastectomy? I feel totally at sea ..
many thanks

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
23 July 2024

23 July 2024 15:55

Dear Clara H.

Thank you for your post on the online community.

I am sorry to read about your diagnosis of breast cancer and your concerns relating to the delay in your surgery date. The emotional and psychological impact of waiting for treatment to start cannot be underestimated and it is not unusual or unreasonable that you are anxious.  Breast reconstruction operations that require both a breast and plastic surgeon often take longer to schedule. 

Chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant) is only recommended in certain circumstances e.g. Her2 positive or triple negative breast or to reduce the size of a tumour to make operating easier. Not every person diagnosed with breast cancer will need chemotherapy as part of their treatment plan. Your medical team will be able to advise you better, as they have access to your tumour biology and what drug treatment it is likely to respond to.

While radiotherapy is less likely after a mastectomy, having a mastectomy does not mean you will not require it. Radiotherapy may be indicated if there is evidence that your cancer was close to your chest wall or if you have evidence of cancer in the nodes under your arm. This question cannot be fully answered until you have your surgery, and the pathology doctors review the tissue that was removed.

If you would like to speak with one of our cancer nurses at any time, please contact the Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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