posted by ash70
27 February 2020
Breast cancer
Last reply:
10 March 2020 11:52
Hi everyone, I've recently being diagnosed with breast cancer. Had an mri to rule any lumps anywhere else, however another small lump was found. So having a biopsy nxt monday on this. Its six weeks since I found the first lump myself. And four weeks since diagnoses, is there a possibility that this may spread before i get a lumpectomy? Panicking internally so as not to show my daughter and son.
Dear Ash,
Thanks for posting. I’m sorry to read that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer recently. It is understandable why you would be worried about the wait times, callers to our helpline would often feel the same as yourself. While I know it is an anxious time waiting to start treatment, cancers do not tend to grow that quickly within that time period. Please call the Nurseline on 1800200700 if you would like to speak with a nurse for any support or advice,
Kind Regards