Newly diagnosed
posted by Daiz
03 May 2024

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Last reply: 23 May 2024 20:21

Got my results this week. I have invasive ductal carcinoma, it was also found in the lymph node biopsy. I need to have an MRI, CT and bone scan this month to stage it. First line of action will be chemo, they are hoping to start this by the end of the month. Don't think it has hit me yet!



commented by Jenni53
03 May 2024

03 May 2024 16:04

Hi Daiz

Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and that you need chemo. While I won't say chemo is easy it is doable and you will be given plenty of support by your medical team if you need it.

Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

Best wishes

commented by Daiz
03 May 2024

03 May 2024 16:21

Thank you so much Jenni53. Still hasn't registered with me, but I know I have a long road ahead of me, I'm ready for it! The medical team have been amazing, only a phone call away.

commented by MicheleC
03 May 2024

03 May 2024 18:06

So sorry to hear that, I too was diagnosed on Wed with invasive lobular cancer, have to have an MRI next week to fully determine the size and then surgery, I’m finding it hard to process it all x

commented by Daiz
04 May 2024

04 May 2024 09:56

@MicheleC sorry to hear your news! We will get through this together. Its very hard to process, isn't it! I have an MRI next week too and CT a few days later. I don't know what stage it is just yet.

commented by MicheleC
05 May 2024

05 May 2024 08:13

So sorry to hear that Diaz, it has started to hit me now, finding it hard to relax as I just want to know how bad it is, the waiting for the MRI etc is hard x

commented by Daiz
07 May 2024

07 May 2024 09:22

I'm feeling the same MicheleC. I've my MRI tomorrow and a CT next week, then I meet with oncology. Now waiting to know the staging has me so stressed out!

commented by Shellyk23
08 May 2024

08 May 2024 11:15

The waiting is the worst part. Cancer absolutely hates positivity and excercise. Get out in the open & go for a walk & tell yourself your stronger than you know. I literally can not believe how strong I am. I'm shocking my self and everyone X I wish you the very best Xx

commented by just_me
23 May 2024

23 May 2024 20:21

Hi Daiz...

How are you doing? Hope you've had some clear answers x

commented by Jenni53
06 May 2024

06 May 2024 12:14

Hi MicheleC

Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Wishing you the best of luck with your scans and your treatment.

Best wishes

commented by jelly89
04 May 2024

04 May 2024 22:23

@Daiz A good friend was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma 2 years ago. I was so surprised at how minimal the treatment was and how quickly her life returned to normal. I hope it will be straightforward for you too!

Best of luck with your treatment ladies.

commented by Daiz
07 May 2024

07 May 2024 09:25

@jelly89 fingers crossed!!!! So far I just know I've a few months of chemo ahead of me then hopefully surgery!

commented by jelly89
04 May 2024

04 May 2024 22:26

@MicheleC I'm sorry to hear your news too. Best wishes for your treatment.

commented by just_me
06 May 2024

06 May 2024 18:26

Hi Daiz, I hope you managed to get through the weekend OK.. Its very difficult trying to carry on with everything when you have so much going on in your head. You wish for everything to go back to normal.
But really this is your time to build yourself up and have your body prepared for whatever treatment is on the way. I promise you it won't be as bad as you think. All the scans are quick too.
Just please make sure you're talking to somebody if you're struggling, be it your GP, nurses here on this website etc Processing the news is really hard. This is why I check these comments some days. Because i struggled mentally when I was told and now I'm so greatful to be so far on and enjoying everything life has to offer. I come here because I want to encourage and support those who are starting.

If you're concerned about your hair, talk to the team about the coldcap, it's worth it.
Please don't struggle alone x

commented by Shellyk23
08 May 2024

08 May 2024 11:10

Hi ya! I've tnbc stage 2. I'm going for my 12th round of chemo today. I haven't had to miss a weekly one yet and I've not really had any bad side effects thank god. After today I start a different drug for 3months it will be a little harsher and every 3 wks. You have absolutely got this girl. The way I see it is we have it now so let's get through it X my dad and my bestfriend died at the start and middle of my chemo. Life is so unfair but I feel them with me all the time. I will have surgery and radiation in a couple of weeks X didn't loose my eye lashes or brows and my nails got stronger how I do not know. 😂

commented by Daiz
13 May 2024

13 May 2024 21:38

Thank you all for the lovely messages! x Still trying to process it all, I meet with the oncologist next week.

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