Signs and symptoms
posted by dee1212
16 October 2024

Polycythaemia vera

Last reply: 13 November 2024 07:04

I am currently undergoing tests for PV and am pretty worried about it tbh. Can anyone reassure me ? I have had high rbc, high hgb and high hct on full blood count. Waiting to see a haematologist. Not sleeping great. Thanks



commented by Cancer Nurse
17 October 2024

17 October 2024 16:25

Dear Dee1212,

Thank you for posting to our online community.

I do hope you receive some responses soon from people in a similar situation who can help reassure you.

In the meantime, if you would like to speak with one of our nurses on the Support Line you can call 1800 200 700, Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm, and we will talk through your concerns and answer your questions as best we can.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

commented by Eliz123
23 October 2024

23 October 2024 08:13

Hi Dee1212 I was diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera in December 2023. When you see the Haematologist you will get tested for the Jak2 mutation, it's a blood test. It takes a long time to get the results. I was given a booklet from blood cancer uk about Polycythemia vera which I found very helpfull and was able to give to my family to read so that they could understand. There are a few types of treatment and if one doesn't work or doesn't suit you, you can try another. You will find very usefull information on both Blood cancer Uk and MPN voice. I am on the blood cancer UK forum and have found it very welcoming and supportive. Once diagnosed I now attend the haematology dayward for blood tests and occasional venesections. I was originally on Hydroxycarbamide and aspirin. Now I am on Ruxolitinib and Clopidrogel. Not knowing is a time of worry so look after yourself. Best wishes.

commented by DamienW
12 November 2024

12 November 2024 19:28

Hi Dee,
I hope my message finds you well. I found out that I have PV back in March 2022 after having a routine blood test.
I was then referred to a hematologist in Sligo University hospital.
On my first appointment in the hospital, they took a few blood samples and carried out a venesection, and my second appointment I had another venesection and a bone marrow biopsy. I found it hard to get used to the venesection's which carried on every two weeks for a few months.
My main symptom was fatigue.
The bone marrow biopsy sound awful, but let me reassure you that its not that bad. A small pinch and its all over.
As time passed, I only needed a venesection every month, then every two month's and now I only have one every 3-4 months depending on my hemocrit levels.
I know that there is no such thing as a good cancer to get and you are probably very scared now, but PV is not to bad. Its is treatable and as my consultant told me, I will most likely live a normal life, and I will will die with PV, not from it.
I wish you all the best on you're journey, but you will come out the other side a stronger person. Drink plenty of water and just live your life you have always done.
In a way, I was glad you posted here. , I have never met another person who has being diagnosed with this condition.
PS: If you are not working you can apply for disability allowance which I got without any problems. Its not much, but if you get Disability it comes with a free pass, which I use to help me get back and forth to appointment's and a few bob off your esb each month ect If you have any questions about my experience or you just need a chat, I have turned on notifications for this post, so if you do want to reach out, I am happy to offer any advise I can.

commented by Eliz123
13 November 2024

13 November 2024 07:04

HI Dee Just wanted to check in and see how you are. Have you had your appointment with the Haematologist yet. The unknown is always scary. I didn't need a bone marrow test for my diagnosis, it was done on both my blood counts and the Jak2 mutation. Treatment is decided on your age, symptoms and other medical issues if any. Hope you are doing ok. With this diagnosis it's invisible and to others you do not appear unwell. It can be hard at times when people tell you that you look really well when you feel rotten. I have had people question whether or not I am ill, done in a joking way but still hard to deal with. I have several other medical conditions so it can be unclear whats causing some symptoms. The fatigue is difficult to explain as others think sure have a rest and you will be grand. Unfortunately this is not the case and you have to learn your limits.
Sorry if I have come off negative, as Damien said it's liveable with and you will come to accept it. Nice to meet another PV patient Damien and glad to hear that you are well and not needing medication. Best wishes to you both

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