Signs and symptoms
posted by eifel65
07 October 2013

Should I get a biopsy?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Hey guys,

I am just looking for a bit of advice.
I am 34 years old, and have never been pregnant.
There is no breast cancer in my family as far as I know.
At the end of July i noticed that my left breast felt odd, no pain I just felt like there was something going on with it, so after work I checked it out. I noticed a small lump directly behind my nipple. I felt around it and in doing so some clear/white discharge came out. I left it alone as I was going on hols that day and decided I'd just keep an eye on it. Over the following 2 weeks the discharge came out on its own and eventually stopped. 2 months later I woke up with a pain in the same breast and when I checked it more discharge was coming out, this time it was more yellow in color and quite runny. I squeezed the lump and more more discharge came out mixed with some blood. I went to my docs the next day who checked it out and gave me antibiotics as he though it might be an infection. A week later and the lump is still there so the doctor referred me to the breast clinic for a mammogram and ultrasound. i went private and two days later I have my ultrasound which showed nothing. The consultant could feel the lump, and said it could be a cyst, or it could be duct ectasia, or intraductral papilloma and that he was given me the all clear for now. i am to go back in January if the lump is still there and he may do a biopsy. Its been over a month since my ultrasound and the lump is still there, absolutely no change in size. recently I have started to get very slight shooting pains in this breast too.
Should I push for a biopsy sooner? I think its fine but my family is worried.



commented by encee
07 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Eifel
Glad to read that you got yourself checked out - that's a huge step in the first instance.
Do you know what, I think that if I were in your shoes, I may have a chat with my GP and ask what they think about the whole situation and then if that doesn't give you any feedback, maybe ring the breast care nurse at the clinic you attended and just have a quick chat with them about you wanting to put the whole thing to bed.....
I'm sure this has been as useful as swimming with wellies but it's just my tuppence worth.

Maybe you might come back and let us know how things go. x

commented by Resolute
09 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hello Eifel65!
I'm afraid that I can't be of much use either except to say that one would imagine that anything missed in the mammogram would have been picked up in the ultrasound?? but you need to go with your own gut reaction on this..
I still thank my lucky stars that I went to the doc when I did (I was sure my breast cancer was just a gland Image removed. ) and I still can't believe how close I was to taking a wait and see approach Image removed. So go with what you are comfortable with ...if in the back of your mind you're NOT happy then push for that biopsy..

Take care

commented by youngk
09 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi there,
I noticed my cancer when my right nipple turned inwards. I couldn't feel a lump although the consultant could and Mammo and ultrasound showed multi-focal (ie several lumps) cancer. That was 2 years ago.

Recently I noticed my left nipple retracting and I have had some local pain but no discharge. I had mammo and ultrasound today. Nothing showed on mammo but small blockage in ducts (duct ectasia?) immediately behind nipple showed on ultrasound. Given my history I was given a biopsy (I am really sore tonight) and they have ordered an MRI which i have to wait 4 - 6 weeks for (MRI can pick up things the mammo and ultrasound miss). They did say they were doing these tests because of my history, but they think it is probable benign.

Don't know if this helps, but as encee says, if you are at all worried go back and discuss it with your doctor or breast nurse.

Good luck!

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