Talking about cancer
posted by madz72
21 February 2022

The wait

Last reply: 09 March 2022 13:45

Hi, I’m new to the forum. I was referred to the breast clinic today in Galway.. Gp said wait time about 2 weeks, I called the clinic and they are saying up to 8 because of Covid backlog…. My question is to everyone that has had to wait for an appointment, how do you manage, I have been in bits all day and have no idea how to handle this, thankyou



commented by Ferntree
22 February 2022

22 February 2022 08:56

I had to wait about 6 weeks Also. Not much you can do unfortunately except sign up with resources like this one.

commented by libra1975
22 February 2022

22 February 2022 12:51

Hi, I waited about 4 weeks (went to letterkenny), because it was over Christmas, and my appointment had to be rescheduled (doctor out sick). I tried to do all the things I enjoy, but of course your thinking about it. Believe me, there were plenty of tears too. But you'll get there. You are not alone, plenty people going through the same.

commented by n_d_2022
24 February 2022

24 February 2022 01:30

I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm due to get biopsy results tomorrow morning after waiting 10 days for them. The waiting is really really tough. They phoned me today to change my appointment time and advised me to definitely bring someone with me so I'm expecting bad news but even knowing that was strangely better than just waiting!
I did my best to distract myself and keep busy but it's always niggling at the back of my head.
Unfortunately that's all you can do, the time passes by, even though it drags, but you will get there. It helped me a little to know I amnt alone. I also booked a couple of appointments for myself like blow dry etc.
Wishing you all the best for quick appointments and good results.

commented by madz72
28 February 2022

28 February 2022 18:30

Hi, I’m also waiting on Galway.. appointment is Thursday, I was referred last Monday so 10 days.. when I called they said about 8 weeks but then I got a call last Friday with appointment for Thursday.. not sure if that’s a good or bad sign. I’m terrified and go between positive and negative thoughts in the flick of a switch.

commented by KatieStaniford
09 March 2022

09 March 2022 13:45

Mater breast clinic wait time for symptomatic 27 year old female ? Referred 15days ago.

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