Testicular Cancer- what are the symptoms?
The main symptom of testicular cancer is a swelling or a lump on one of your testicles. There are a number of causes for swelling of the testicles but a solid feeling lump is more likely to be cancer. To be certain you are advised to see your GP if you find any adnormalities in your testicles
Swellings in the scrotum (the sack of skin surrounding the testicles) are quite common and most of these are not cancer, particularly if they are separate from the testicles themselves.
If your GP thinks it is necessary, he/she will arrange an urgent appointment with a specialist called a urologist for a second opinion.If you have any concerns or worries please feel free to contact our National Cancer Helpline on Freefone 1800 200 700 (Mon - Thurs 9 - 7, Fri 9 til 5 ) and speak with one of our nurses trained in cancer care.
Well i went to my Local Hospital on Friday for the operation.
Orchiectomy is the name of the Surgery where the testicle is removed.To be honest its not too sore.I taught it would be a lot worse.
I only had to go to the day ward and i was left back home that night.
If anyone else is going to have this surgery i would recommended taking a high fibre diet.It can be very painful to have to defaecate.
You can not push while the incision is there.
I should have a letter from the hospital tomorrow telling me when the CT scan is.
Well thats the HSE for you.
The Doctor told me Friday that they would give me a CT Scan some time this week to see if the cancer has spread.
I still had no letter today so i rang the Hospital.
The CT scan will be some time in the next 3 weeks and not the this week like i was told.
So now i will have trouble sleeping wondering if the Cancer has spread while i wait for my CT scan.
Mary Harney should be ashamed of herself.
How are you doing since - did you get any results?
[quote="claregirl"]How are you doing since - did you get any results?[/quote]
I got my results last Wednesday which were pretty bad.
The cancer had spread through a blood vessel.It was Stage 2 Non Seminoa.The bioposy noted that some of the cells were Embryonal carcinoma.
Also the remaining testicle had another type of cell growing.
I cant remember the name of the type of my head but its when a cell is not quiet normal but not cancerous.Its halfway to becoming cancerous.
My lymph nodes had also enlarged so the cancer had spread and the tumor marker levels were still high after the removal of the testicle,
Now in saying all that i had an appointment with the oncologist today and i am feeling much better.
The success rate is very high.I will be starting Chemo nest week so i hope it rains all summer.
If i cant go to the beach no one else can LOL :)
Hiya, How did your treatment go ?? I had seminoma two years ago, had orchiectomy and chemo, got the all clear after 4 cycles of etoposide and cisplatin but developed blood clots after my las tsession, ended up with a clot that couldn't be removed and had to have a below knee amputation, still in surveillance at the minute having a CT on Tuesday as seem to have similar symptoms agin, hopefully its nothing, don't want to go down that road again. Anyway hope your keeping well and the treatments were a success. Neil
I got my results last Wednesday which were pretty bad.
The cancer had spread through a blood vessel.It was Stage 2 Non Seminoa.The bioposy noted that some of the cells were Embryonal carcinoma.
Also the remaining testicle had another type of cell growing.
I cant remember the name of the type of my head but its when a cell is not quiet normal but not cancerous.Its halfway to becoming cancerous.
My lymph nodes had also enlarged so the cancer had spread and the tumor marker levels were still high after the removal of the testicle,
Now in saying all that i had an appointment with the oncologist today and i am feeling much better.
The success rate is very high.I will be starting Chemo nest week so i hope it rains all summer.
If i cant go to the beach no one else can LOL :)[/quote]
Hey Neil hope your results were good.
Its being a while since i was on here.Life is back to normal for me.
All the results im getting are good and i feel quiet well.No side effects of the chemo and my hair has growing back,
We put up our Xmas Tree durning the week and that brought back a lot of memories.
While i was having the chemo i kept looking forward to Xmas.The chemo would be finished and i would be back to normal...
My Wife is due a baby in the next few days so all is good again
I have just being diagnosed and im not too worried.Sounds crazy but its true.
I check my testicles for Lumps every Month.During my last check i found a small lump.I went to the GP who checked the lump and taught it might be a cist.
He decided it would be better to send me for an ultrasound just to be safe.
I had the ultrasound Tuesday and the Doctor knew it was a tumour(Cancer)
Wednesday Morning i was in the hospital to meet with a Urologist who looked at the scan pics and took blood tests.
I will be going back to the hospital in the Morning to have my testicle removed.It will then be sent to the lad to see which type of cancer it is.
Further treatment will be decided from the results of this test.
If i had left it for a few months i would be worried but the survival rate for testicular cancer is 98% and almost 100% when discovered early.
So MEN check your testicles