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posted by rooseamus
12 April 2010

Ewing Sacoma

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:06
My son has just been diagnosed with Ewing Sacoma in his pelvis. Surgery is not an option. Chemoterapy & radioterapy are the only treatments. Can I have some advice & has anybody succeeded in making a full recovery or had experience of this condition
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posted by Aidan
28 June 2009

Kidney Cancer information???

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:06
Why is there so little information on Kidney Cancers. I have just lost my wife to this cancer and to be honest i'm finding it so hard to deal with things right now. I have tried looking up for information on this cancer to see if we could have seen it coming or just some help or support groups out there about this cancer. I find it frustrating that there is not much information out there. Anyone else going through this or been through this with a loved one.
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posted by Duckie 65
26 May 2010

Neck cancer & Arturies Removed

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:05
Hi all I'm 45 living in Cork and have had multiple operations to remove tumors from my mouth in general and my tongue in particular. Last summer I had surgury in Dublin followed by 35 fractions of RT here where I live in Cork all to the mouth area. I've been unlucky in that the cancer has now shown up in my neck and very near my left artery. The plan is to have 3 sessions of chemo, possibly more depending on how the Chemo is doing, start more RT in June and then operate. I will proberbly have to have my left artery removed during the operation . Has anyone had this done??? and could you give me your experience.
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posted by Ash87
14 August 2011


Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:05
this little tiny gland was so unknown untill it was gone!! a year on after removal i'm not sure if I'm lazy or tired at this stage! two surgerys plus rai later feel free to ask any questions Xax
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posted by garypeter
09 May 2011

Pancreatic Cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:05
My husband has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we are being told the outlook is not good. He is going to St. Vincent's Hospital to see if he is suitable for an operation. I would really appreciate some information on what to expect. Can anyone help??
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posted by loopylou
13 November 2011

Kidney Cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:05
Hi, my mother recently found out that she had a tumour on her kidney, and had her kidney removed. A few months ago she had a check up, and had a ct scan to see if everything was still ok and that nothing had spread. However she still hasn't received the results. Does anyone know how long this usually takes? Many Thanks
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posted by Ash87
11 January 2011

Tyroid cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:03
R iodine treatment in a few weeks... Any one know what to expect (pain or sickness??)
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posted by Chris123
29 June 2011


Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:02
I am living in Waterford, Co Kilkenny. I had a complete Laryngectomy (voicebox removed) in Oct 2010. I have had 6 weeks of radiotherapy treatment with ended at Easter. Would like to communicate with anyone who has had this procedure.
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posted by surviving
13 September 2012

Bladder cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:02
Is there anyone out there who has been diagnosed with Bladder Cancer? I was diagnosed with this just last year - which came as a terrible shock to me. My husband and I were away from home at the time and I had an episode of very heavy bleeding which frightened me. (We spent almost an entire night in an A&E and I was told that this was a 'bladder infection,' given antibiotics and sent home for further investigation in my nearest hospital. The later diagnosis shocked me as I have never smoked even one cigarette in my life. (This, apparently, is the primary cause of this type of cancer.) I am female (just 58 at the time of diagnosis) and have always been very healthy and fit - don't drink either. I feel that this is an environmental issue (I live on the East coast) and would like to be in touch with others who have been diagnosed, with a view to doing my own research into the whole area of this type of cancer. As it is often referred to as an 'elderly man's' disease, I would also like to hear from women out there who have been diagnosed. The youngest lady I have been in touch with is just 25. Any response would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by sprocket
10 December 2012

sarcoma in abdomen

Last reply: 27 August 2015 10:01
Hi, I am a 29 year old male, I had a sarcoma removed from my leg earlier this year, had radiotherapy. However I have had a recurrence in the abdomen, had ct scan and was told it hadn't spread and they are fairly confident its not stuck to any organs. Meeting specialist tomorrow but Just cant believe it came back again and that now I have to face chemo. Is there anybody who has had sarcomas and how have you dealt with them? Thanks
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