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posted by Dane7
18 February 2013

Arimidex and joint ache

Last reply: 25 February 2013 17:00
Well ladies today's news ... pain in the left ankle, left knee, right hip and particularly bad in right elbow and wrist ...... Jesus - 1 month of Arithmidex and I have aged 90+ years. Got down on the floor to do lego with the 4 year old today and thought I would be there for the duration. Could not get up off the floor!!!! So ..... is this normal and what did anyone do about it who has experienced it. The right wrist is particularly bad (operated side ... lymph nodes out from). I am right handed so gammy arm and even more gammy wrist/hand. Oh it just gets better and better. On the plus side I have a head of curls - grey and growing wierd but curls and hair. What a novelty. Had dead straight hair before. Oh the benefits of this wonderful path. lol.
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posted by Amaryllis
19 February 2013

Itchy red rash

Last reply: 24 February 2013 10:20
Hi Woke up this morning covered in a mad red rash with welts on my stomach, arms & neck. Itching is driving me mad!!! Im waiting for the oncology team to get back to me - hoping it can be cleared quickly. Anyone else had this? Liz x
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posted by TrJen
19 February 2013

Six month checkup

Last reply: 23 February 2013 09:50
Hi Going back this week to Beaumont for my first check-up, six months since surgery, any ideas what to expect? Should I be having a mammogram or will it just be a physical exam and chat Trish
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posted by Ania
19 February 2013

Tamoxifen and mood

Last reply: 21 February 2013 16:56
Hi girls. Sorry to bring this drug up again. I was reading through all the previous threads about sleep probs. I have decided to avoid that problem by taking sleeping pills with the tamoxifen so I am missing all the hot flashes etc. However 4weeks on and my biggest problem is that I seem to sensitive to the the tablets and my mood has noticeably changed. I am really cross all of the time, so out of character cross that I know its the tamoxifen. I hate being like this, I snap at people before I can think even about it. Really not like me. Anyone find any sort of remedy to deal with mood changes while on tamoxifen????
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posted by kazoo
19 February 2013

Reconstruction - at last!

Last reply: 18 March 2013 12:27
Well, I'm in to hospital next week for my long awaited reconstruction and I can't wait. I have felt so lost without my boob. Any advice for me ladies? Am having the DIEP flap so looking forward to a slimmer tummy too I know there will be some pain ahead but I really feel that I can finally start to move forward now...
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posted by mlnecraft
27 February 2013


Last reply: 11 March 2013 11:05
hi i am new to this board,i went to the breast clinic on 6 feb ,had the mamogran ,ultra sound and biospy done that day ,went back the following week and the thickining i went in with is benign but the found cancer about 2 cm size ,surgeon was talking about an operation this thursday ,had a mri last wednesday and this showed up my lympnodes so had a biopsy on them last thursday,will see the surgeon tomorrow for results from the biopsy no surgery now, i need more bloods done and am waiting on appointments for a cat scan and a bone scan ,the name of the cancer is invasive lobular, is it routine to do a bone scan ,anyone any idea of waiting times for these tests .I am attending James and keeping my self calm ,not always but most of the time.
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posted by Neadi
20 February 2013

White blood cell counts

Last reply: 20 February 2013 20:21
Quick question. Am meant to be going in for TAC 3 tomorrow. Had my blood test today was told that one part of my White blood count ( neut something or other) was a bit on the high side (could be due to neulasta shot) and another part of it was meant to be at 1 and is at .7. She said oncology would have been on to me if there was a problem, but now I'm afraid tomorrow won't go ahead. Not that I want to be poisoned but I just want to get this over with!! Has this ever happened to you guys and ye went ahead??
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posted by gussy81
21 February 2013

Diet after bowel cancer

Last reply: 01 August 2013 07:48
Hi, My mam went through and got over bowel cancer. but now she is having tummy trouble ever since. she has diarrhoea a lot. she has been to see a dietician and a person about food allergies but still no luck. has anyone gone through similar. many thanks fergus
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posted by Shiver1
21 February 2013

My story and a question

Last reply: 25 February 2013 18:30
Hi everyone Very glad I found this forum. I have been reading posts since January but have only plucked up courage to post now.I found a lump end November went to Gp mid December who referred me urgently to breast clinic. Went there on 9th January had triple assessment and was told by consultant that it was likely to be cancer,had mastectomy and axilliary clearance on 7th February which I am recovering well from. There was three tumours in breast which were aggressive but surgeon has said he got all he could see. I have appointment with oncologist next Tuesday I have question for all the ladies who have been on this road is it likely that treatment will start next week? I was thinking of going away for a night with my husband and children(6 and 4) either this weekend or next.? Thanks
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posted by Neadi
21 February 2013

Half way there!!!

Last reply: 22 February 2013 07:55
TAC three completed today!!! Yay!! 3 down- 3 to go!!
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