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posted by katykaty
11 November 2013


Last reply: 12 November 2013 09:42
Had my six month check up with surgeon today , was not my own surgeon, he was happy that everything was ok . I really did not get a chance to ask about reconstruction. My own surgeon did not recommend it when I had my mastectomy because I was having radiotherapy , told me best to wait . Finished radiotherapy last week and still doing herceptin . I was just wondering is it up to me to bring up the subject of reconstruction or do you automatically go on list ? What length of time is usually left between radiotherapy and reconstruction? Another question how soon after chemo and radiotherapy should you be called back for mammogram? I did not see my oncologist during chemo so not sure what happens next ! Got through everything without to many probs so I am thankful for that but some times I think by been to quite I don't ask enough questions and am some times just rushed through appointments.
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posted by lala
12 November 2013

Diep Reconstruction

Last reply: 13 November 2013 10:03
Good morning,, hope ye are all well. I havent posted too much on this site but often turn to it for info and here I am again today... I met with plastic surgeon yesterday who recommended a Diep Reconstruction in my case. While it seems to give great results, it also seems a Major piece of surgery and I am just wondering if any of you ladies out there have had this done or know of anybody who has had it done? I would very much appreciate any information on the operation itself or any advice. I was diagnosed June 2012 with Her2+ left side and had chemo (TCHL) followed by mastectomy in November 2012, No radiation as no lymph node involvement. Thanks in advance...
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posted by Superwhy
14 November 2013

How soon did u return to work

Last reply: 20 July 2015 11:40
I would love to stay at home for longer but sadly finances require I go back. I have been on leave since feb 2013 when I was diagnosed. Work has been very good and patient . I have to go into the office tomorrow and am expecting the whole when u coming back to work question. I have only just finished radiotherepy but I still have to have herceptin till march. I am thinking slowly ease back into it in jan at a few hrs a day for maybe 3 days as week. Thanks
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posted by Newtothis
15 November 2013

Mastectomy bras & prosthesis

Last reply: 23 November 2013 22:58
Hi all, would just like a bit of advice on mastectomy bras and prostheses. I got fitted a few weeks ago in one of the specialist shops and brought them both home with me that day. Maybe I was expecting too much but I thought once I had them I'd be able to go back to wearing some of my normal tops (I don't mean low cut ones) but that isn't the case. If I look down at my chest after wearing them for a little while I can clearly see the prosthesis where it has risen over the rim of the bra. It can be up to 2cms over the rim at times. Also if I lean over, the prosthesis will fall away from my chest and the fact I'm wearing it is really obvious. I assume this is caused by the weight of it and can't be helped but is the other normal? I feel like the prosthesis is too large for the bra and has no where to go except over the rim. I rang the shop earlier this week to ask them about this and they said it was normal but just want to check if other people have had the same experience? They're not cheap so I was expecting a bit more, do I just have to resign myself to wearing very high necked tops for the foreseeable future? Thanks Pamela
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posted by anriocht
19 November 2013

Tamoxifen & Joint Pain

Last reply: 22 November 2013 19:46
Hi all, Just trying to ascertain if any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen. I have been suffering with pain in my left shoulder and my upper back since September. (Had mastectomy on left hand side). Saw my Oncologist today, as I had a mammogram last week, my first since my diagnosis last October 2012. The mammogram on my existing breast is normal, T.G. However, he is referring me for a bone scan next week, to get to the bottom of the pain. He did say that sometimes, hormone therapy can cause joint pain, but that tamoxifen is not usually the worst offender for this! Now, he may only be saying this, so that I will not worry, or it may be a common occurrence. I am back to where I was last year again, virtually going out of my mind with worry, until I have the scan done and results got. If any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen, I would love to hear about it. Thanks, M xxx
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posted by macci
19 November 2013

new lump

Last reply: 20 November 2013 11:15
I'm sorry to be back here again. I found a very small (less than a pea size) lump under my collar bone, where the shoulder joins the collar bone. I think this is an infascapular node?? I'm being seen in the breast clinic on Monday, meanwhile worrying myself sick. Any one else had this?
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posted by WicklowLady
20 November 2013

Removal of ovaries

Last reply: 20 November 2013 20:03
After watching aine Lawlors documentary on RTE I was very interested in the fact that she had her ovaries and Fallopian tribes removed to decrease her chances of cancer there. My father has had lung , prostate and intestinal cancer and my mother has had colon cancer. This is something I am considering in the future. Just wondering what the women here think
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posted by WicklowLady
20 November 2013

Removal of ovaries

Last reply: 05 December 2013 23:37
After watching aine Lawlors documentary on RTE I was very interested in the fact that she had her ovaries and Fallopian tribes removed to decrease her chances of cancer there. My father has had lung , prostate and intestinal cancer and my mother has had colon cancer. This is something I am considering in the future. Just wondering what the women here think
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posted by WicklowLady
22 November 2013

Volunteers in the daffodil centre st Vincent's hospital

Last reply: 25 November 2013 14:29
I've got an interview next Thursday for volunteer in the new daffodil centre in st Vincent's hospital. I feel my life should take a new path and hopefully this will let me see is it what I want to do, if if course I pass the interview . Big change from chemo land this time last year happy days
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posted by pettyt
25 November 2013


Last reply: 26 November 2013 18:33
is it possibly to get ovarian cancer in Just one ovary since having hysterectomy in 2001,I only found out that I should still have pap test,s ,as I wasn't sure I still needed them ,I've been suffering with lower abdominal pains to the left were I have the ovary,been gettin hot sweats every night and constantly feeling tired all the time,n two days ago I noticed I'd lost some blood not a lot but I've had nothing like that since having my total hysterectomy, n I've heard a lot about the vaginal cuff and c125 ,which I'm not clued up about ,I'm a bit worried about going t doctors n mentioning this ,n that I've not had a pap test done since 2001,am I supposed to do ,Just need some advice please if anyone can enlighten me your comments would be appreciate
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