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posted by deefed
14 December 2012

the Common Cold need advice

Last reply: 16 December 2012 19:33
Hi Girls Due to go out tonight and am so looking forard to it its my only Christmas Night out and even bought a shocking pink wig for the craic! Think is I am sniffling and nose is blocked and eyes running a bit like the start of a common cold. Any of you caught a cold during chemo that went horribly wrong I know the answer I suppose myself - but should I not go? AAAAAQHHHHHHHHHHH
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posted by WicklowLady
17 December 2012

20% reduction in chemo worth a million euro

Last reply: 22 December 2012 23:48
I never thought I'd get excited about a mere 20% but that much reduction in my chemo last time has meant that while I wasn't great on my black Sunday yesterday I was a million times better than the one before this and in the life of chemo land this means so much. I'm so hoping Janice will reduce my last one as well. Oh I'm so happy. I'm actually feeling good today. Life is good xxx
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posted by Neadi
17 December 2012

in hospital :-(

Last reply: 24 December 2012 17:57
guess where i am skin infection...totally fed up now
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posted by Kathleen
19 December 2012

Dental care during chemo very important

Last reply: 23 January 2014 04:46
Sadly a friend of mine is having serious dental problems post chemo so I thought I would let any of you having chemo at the moment know that the dental advice we get during chemo is for a very good reason. Apparently when the white blood cell count is low the body cannot react to some infections and we can be totally unaware that there is a problem. Here is what I was told. Please add more tips if you know more! - Brush after every meal with a soft toothbrush - Use gentle mouthwashes to avoid ulcers - Drink often to avoid a dry mouth (less saliva means less natural cleaning action) - Avoid chewing gum for extended periods of time as this encourages continued chewing action during the night which stresses the teeth - Avoid sugary drinks, crisps and any food that sticks to the teeth if you cannot brush your teeth right after a meal for some reason. Take care! Hugs Kathleen
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posted by Amaryllis
21 December 2012

Hating my wig

Last reply: 07 January 2013 16:14
Did anyone else hate their wig after it was fitted? I had my hair shaved off on Monday - laughed and cried through it all with my sisters. It was traumatic but I had prepared myself and got through that part with the help of Jim the hairdresser who couldn't have been nicer... Had the wig fitted and shaped and my only thought was -let me home and once I get working on it it will be fine..... but I've put it on each day and tried to 'play' with it but I just think I look awful with it. Colour is perfect - and it even looks quite real - but to me it screams 'WIG'...... I've got a few of those bandanas and turbans which I've been wearing and think at this stage that I'll be wearing one of those for Christmas - am I being paranoid???
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posted by wilmaone
21 December 2012


Last reply: 25 December 2012 19:03
Hi ladies Saw my oncologist on Wednesday which was my baby's 5th of course all the questions I had for him went out of mind as was clock watching so I could get home to him.Got great news in that he is really happy with all results I have less than 5 per cent chance of re accurance.beat Christmas pressie ever!! He has though put me on anti-depressants as am so so down.have spent the last 5/6 weeks convincing myself that my hubby and kids would not be better off without me!i don't go out,and have very little confidence in myself or anything I do.he reckons this is down to tamoxifen. My question is has anyone else taken anti ds .i am very wary as I don't want to create new side effects to cure old one!!there was no offer of counselling just straight to the prescription today but can't seem to go about starting taking them.any advice??? Xx w
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posted by deefed
22 December 2012

Freaky few hairs popping up on my head

Last reply: 22 April 2014 21:12
Hi Girls Out of the shower today and noticed a hair maybe inch long on crown of head just popping up. Have had four chemos and due four more. Looked more closely near sunlight and found around ten of them - they were defo not leftovers from my original hair. I really had to pull at them to get them out - the worst thing was they were grey!!! For my age I have (had) literally only a few strangs of grey. Question is where the hell is this hair coming from - did this happen to any of you these few pop ups during chemo? Any of your dark haired people with no greys before chemo how did your hair grow back. Cheers girls
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posted by Madge1
24 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Last reply: 25 December 2012 21:38
Hi All Would just like to wish all my friends here the very best for Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Have a good one ladies will be toasting us all later Love Madge x
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posted by Dane7
26 December 2012

Post chemo hair

Last reply: 30 December 2012 17:26
Hi ladies Wishing you all a happy new year! Thinking of the "new" improved me for next year .... lol ..... hair short, grey and curly but so novel to have hair!!!! How long post chemo before you can colour it and does it have to be a specific type of product. Don't want to end up with it falling out;-)
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posted by hugs
28 December 2012

2year check worried.

Last reply: 30 December 2012 17:16
I'm finished treatment 2 years now. Am having my usual 6 month check up with the oncologist. Have had bloods done, and ct scan. Appt is on the 10 th of jan. I just seem to be extra worried this time that something is going to pop up No reason, I feel just feels like a ticking bomb. I know it's ridiculous. I just needed to say it though. I don't want to mention it to friends/ family. Does the fear ever go away
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