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posted by libra1975
08 March 2023

Breast size difference

Last reply: 10 March 2023 16:23

Hi everyone, I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I had a lumpectomy a year ago, followed by chemo and radiotherapy, herceptin and tamoxifen. Now my left breast, where I had the lumpectomy, is a good lot bigger than the healthy breast. Is this normal? Any information I can find states the operated on breast could end up smaller, but never bigger. There is also hard lump/tissue in it, and it still feels tender. Doctor and breast nurse said everything is fine, but didn't say anything why the breast is bigger now.

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
10 March 2023

10 March 2023 16:23

Hi Libra1975,

Thank you for your post.  I am sorry to see you have not had a reply yet but hopefully you will get more replies soon.

Swelling after a lumpectomy can last for a number of weeks or months. Radiotherapy can also cause some breast swelling, this swelling should reduce in the weeks after radiotherapy has ended. You were right to get this reviewed by your team and it is good that they felt everything was fine. You should contact your team again to discuss this in more detail.

Libra1975, It may be helpful to contact one of our nurses on the Support Line to discuss this in more detail. Our Support Line number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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