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posted by Deise
14 March 2015

lobular cancer follow up

Last reply: 15 March 2015 10:46
Hi everybody I had lobular cancer and was initially told I would need to have an mri rather than mammogram every year as it is more accurate for lobular cancer. However now I'm only having a mammogram. If anybody could tell me how they are followed up having had lobular cancer I would be very grateful.
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posted by Chrissie
02 May 2015

Taxol side effects

Last reply: 05 May 2015 10:40
Hi Ladies, I completed my AC and have 7 of my 12 Taxol treatments over me and I am just wondering if the side effects get worse near the end. I am feeling pretty good since I started the Taxol and have been able to get on with life much better after finishing the AC. I have put on a half stone since starting Taxol which is due to my increased appetite. Did anyone else experience this? When will my hair grow back? What is the radiotherapy like? Any answers or advice would be very welcome. I am starting to get more emotional about what I have been through only now. looking forward to hearing from you. Chrissie
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posted by Josephine
17 May 2015

LD flap recon soon

Last reply: 01 August 2015 22:47
Hi all, I'm three years post diagnosis (followed by chemo, rads) and I have delayed recon surgery date in less than three weeks for LD flap with implant. I'm excited and scared! Did anyone have this procedure and regret it? Also, due to medication side effects I had to give up my favourite exercise of walking and decided to learn to swim as a new form of exercise. Now I'm actually good at swimming and find it great exercise. Also, it feels like mindfulness going up and down the pool, calms the head when I have to concentrate on one, two, take a breath! So I'm a bit worried about the potential weakness from messing with the back muscle and maybe ending up not able to swim. I'd be very grateful of any comments or advice. I'd rather know the good, the bad and the ugly in advance! Thanks, Jo
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posted by polly53
07 May 2015

Bladder cancer

Last reply: 18 May 2015 23:42
Hi I was wondering if there is anyone else on this site who has been diagnosed with bladder cancer? I'm feeling pretty peeved that as someone who has never taken drugs, doesn't smoke, hardly ever drinks, leads a with exercise; I should get this. To say I was gobsmacked is an understatement.
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posted by happy39
26 May 2015

What bra to wear after Breast Reduction Operation op on my right boob

Last reply: 05 June 2015 10:50
Hi I had a mastectomy in 2010 on my left breast and in 2013 I was put on the waiting list to have my right breast reduced to match my new boob. I received a call yesterday from the hospital stating that I will be called in the next month for my breast reduction operation. I am just looking for advice on what bra to wear after the operation. And also should I go down a cup size or just buy a bra for the size I am now which is a C cup. Would love any advice
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posted by happydays
18 June 2015


Last reply: 25 June 2015 11:21
I was diagnosed with metastic breast cancer in2013 . Finished all treatment doing well but have developed pains everywhere. I am on tamoxifen. Had scans done every thing fine. Any one else have similar . Happy days
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posted by Newtothis
07 July 2015

Would you recommend your Onc in Beaumont?

Last reply: 20 July 2015 19:05
Hi all I hope everyone is doing well. Unfortunately last week, 11 months after finishing active treatment I was diagnosed with bone mets. Right now I'm really really annoyed with my Onc and considering moving hospitals. If anyone had treatment in Beaumont and would recommend their Onc, could you pm me please? Maybe he's right & what happened would have regardless of where I was treated but I presented to him with node negative breast cancer 2 years ago and while under his care it has now spread to my liver and bones. I'm just so angry and upset right now and at least want a second opinion. Tia x
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posted by worriedrelative
14 July 2015

Newly Diagnosed

Last reply: 24 July 2015 21:59
Hi there, Family member newly diagnosed Diagnosis made after presenting for routine mammogram Lump is not palpable - had mammo been done 6 months previous it would not have shown up Lumpectomy and node biopsy done Awaiting results of these Initial scan in doctors showed no presence of cancer in lymph nodes What is the likelihood that it will have spread to lymph nodes? Doc initally said radiotherapy only Reading now about different types of hormones if it isn't ER or PR + then chemo may be needed This has all been an (unwanted) fast learning curve. Trying to find out any more info I can find out
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posted by bettersoon
20 July 2015

Anyone on Zoladex with Tamoxifen

Last reply: 21 July 2015 11:52
Hi All, I'm curious if anyone is on the Zoladex implant/injection with their Tamoxifen? Also wondering if any oncologists in Ireland are upping Tamoxifen to 10 years (rather than 5)? I'm still under my GP in the UK, but concerned if I want to move back home what the treatment plan will be.... Bettersoon!
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posted by Suzie
20 July 2015

Test results

Last reply: 18 August 2015 14:06
Hi all , this is my first post . I have been waiting ten weeks for my breast biopsy results and finally received a letter for next week to come in . I have been told to also bring in a urine sample too . can anyone shed some light as to what this means ? Does this mean that i have to go for further tests ? I don't know what to make if it all .
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