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posted by deefed
11 April 2013

Sorry havent been around much - fancy a beer?

Hi Ladies So sorry have not been on for AGES!!!! last time I think I posted was when had finished final chemo. Due mascetomy on Tuesday week in Vinnies. Just wanted to let you know if any ladies are interested am having a post chemo booze up this Saturday in the Goat Grill in Goatstown will be a good crowd and having a DJ to celebrate getting this far. If any of you around and would like to come please feel free. I will be back soon to read all new posts life has been hectic! Dee XX
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posted by blueboys
04 April 2013

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)

Hi I am new to the message board. Is there anyone else on the message board who has CLL? and is receiving FCR chemo therapy? Let me know. blueboys.
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posted by youngk
05 March 2013

expander implant before Diep recon?

Did anyone else have an expander implant fitted when they had their mastectomy and then have a Diep reconstruction later? just wondering how it turned out as I was recommended to have the expander to preserve my skin, but the plastic surgeon says it might make recon more difficult and he would not have recommended it! I was reluctant to have any implant but thought it would give the best end result, now I'm not so sure! Karen
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posted by beatadrz
25 February 2013

About Head-scarves and turbans etc.

Hi, I wish to recommend -hopefully I can- ... [b:dq5w5lu0][edited by webmaster to remove advertising][/b:dq5w5lu0] I'm just sharing, because it's good think, and I'm really hoping that I'm not breaking any web site rules. I know some place do mind. In this case sorry for that. [b:dq5w5lu0]From webmaster: [/b:dq5w5lu0] Sorry to edit your post but we can't allow advertising on the message board.
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posted by encee
14 January 2013

Seperated Tendon job anyone?

Hi ladies Just wondering if anyone has had to have their tendon seperated following Latissimus Dorsi reconstruction? It looks like this is on the cards for me. I blocked my ears when the surgeon started talking about it the other day & told her we might talk about it over a cup of tea in a few months! But of course now I'm curious and keeping true to myself, I haven't been able to see much about it on the normal, reliable websites. Anyone been through this?
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posted by WicklowLady
14 December 2012

Best website for bandanas, love it ... 2wods2AAmg
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posted by cummins1
23 November 2012

Radiation Enteritis

Hi just wondering if anyone suffered chronic radiation enteritis of the bowel after radiation treatment. I was hoping to share information and discuss this problem with someone experiencing similar side effects - nausea, loss of appetite, pain etc. I am currently on a lactose free diet and am trying various foods to see what suits my current constitution. Thanks, John
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
14 November 2012

Public Education Meeting on Melanoma

The Irish Cancer Society, in partnership with the Irish Melanoma Forum, is taking part in a public education meeting on melanoma in [b:21d8y13m]Trinity College Dublin[/b:21d8y13m] on [b:21d8y13m]Thursday, November 22nd 2012 at 6:45pm[/b:21d8y13m] and several key speakers have now been confirmed for the evening. For more information, please visit: ... land?Forum
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posted by Dane7
21 September 2012

Cmf chemo to sensitise before radiotherapy

Hi all Just had mastectomy following 6 cycles of chemotherapy Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. The team have now told me I need CMF chemotherapy to sensetise before radiotherapy. Did anyone else have this? If so how many cycles were done and how many months did it take? Thanks Dane
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
21 September 2012

Myeloma Infoday Belfast

[size=150:9l8gc0c8][b:9l8gc0c8]Belfast Infoday - Saturday, October 6th, 2012[/b:9l8gc0c8][/size:9l8gc0c8] Patient and Family Myeloma Infoday Information days about myeloma for patients, their families and carers. [b:9l8gc0c8]By attending a Patient and Family Myeloma Infoday you can:[/b:9l8gc0c8] • Meet others with myeloma • Learn about myeloma from experts • Share your experiences [b:9l8gc0c8]Registration fees (including two course lunch, coffee/tea and a delegate pack):[/b:9l8gc0c8] • £15 per person / £40 per group of three [b:9l8gc0c8]Late registration:[/b:9l8gc0c8] • If booking is made less than two weeks prior to the Infoday date, • Fees are £20 per person / £45 per group of three. For more details contact Nicola on: +44 (0)131 557 3332 or * or visit [url:9l8gc0c8][/url:9l8gc0c8] for more information.
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