Newly diagnosed
posted by Gtlheart
22 July 2012

My mind in a Whirl

Last reply: 26 July 2012 13:57

Hi, my mind in in a whirl, every thing happened so fast. Still trying to crasp it all. 18th May mammograms, recall 24th May, ultrasound and biopsy 12th June, results 26 th June, invasive ducal carcinoma, grade 2 stage 1, er and pr positive.9th July lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed, results 20 th July. They were able to remove all of the cancer and the margins were negative also lymph glands negative. Image removed. They were delighted to tell me I no longer have breast cancer.I am to have hormone treatment , (chemo ? Will know next Friday )and radiotherapy, to prevent the cancer returning. I am so lucky it was caught so early. My mind is all over the place, don't think my mind fully understood that I had cancer. Feel delighted it is gone but feel guilty that I am so lucky. The nurse said it will hit me all of a sudden as the mind and body has been through so much so fast. I know I still have a tough road ahead but my mind is more at peace. Has anyone else been through such a whirlwind experience. Would love to hear . Wishing all my friends here the best of luck. Thinking of you all. G xxx Image removed.

1 comment


commented by Kally
26 July 2012

26 July 2012 13:57

Hi G,
I pretty much am in the same boat I went for a routine mammogram on the 22nd of April most of the girls in work were going so it was a day out Image removed..Two days later I got the call to say contact my doc something had shown up,when I did this I was referred to a wonderful Dr in Vincents hospital straight away.I had my lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed on the 11th of May.went back for my check up 2 weeks later to be told I had to have another opp to remove some tissue in the same breast but the lymph glands were negative.I had my second opp on the 25th May.I have just started with the hormone treatment and am about to start the rest.I to feel the guilt of being one of the lucky ones that were caught very early but one thing its thought me is to look at things with a better prospective on things and not to be flying of the handle for somehting stupid.
Take care

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