Signs and symptoms
posted by Shel80
23 March 2020

Breast lumps

Last reply: 24 March 2020 17:34

Hi guys
im new to this actually just joined when i found this post last night. im just wondering would you be waiting long from an urgent request of 2 weeks to be seen in James Hospital for breast lumps, this was last Wednesday . im just wondering anyone else have same problem and what was there outcome. im going out of my mind eve4ry day wit worry and wit this current climate in the world , not making it easier. crying every day and trying to hide from my kids.
i really dont no im going out of my mind.
~Ive got a lump in the 2 breast , one breast has pain other dosent.
just wondering do we get a call or a letter ?? for the 2 weeks urgently for when we will be called ??
Just dont no who to chat too. and cant meet up for cuppa wit noone either. have great family and support but not the same at this current time.
sorry for the questions



commented by Cancer Nurse
24 March 2020

24 March 2020 14:00


​This is a very anxious time for you.St James' symptomatic Breast Clinic are seeing their urgent referrals at the moment.We would expect that you will receive a call from their triage nurse arranging your appointment and checking  that you do not have symptoms of the corona virus.You can phone their Breast care manager at the breast clinic there if you would like this reassurance.

You can also phone our Nurseline at 1800 200 700,leave your phone number and we will phone you back and discuss our new arrangements for counselling.

You might find the following link helpful too during this anxious time

Kind regards 

Cancer Nurse   


commented by Shel80
24 March 2020

24 March 2020 17:34

Thanks for the reply. So they will ring me on the phone. I'm gone out of my mind. Like everyone else. Such a worrying time for everyone and health professionals.
Thanks once again.

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