Coping with cancer resources

Younger woman consoling older woman on couch
On this page

These publications are to help patients and their loved ones cope with the emotional and practical side of cancer. They have advice on talking about cancer, coping with difficult emotions, practical and financial matters, and caring for someone with cancer.

Coping resources for cancer patients
Understanding The emotional effects cover
Understanding The emotional effects of cancer
This booklet covers how cancer might affect your emotions, what you can do to feel better and where to get professional support.
Life after cancer
Life after cancer - A guide to living well
This booklet is for people who have finished their cancer treatment. It has information on: Follow-up care, Side-effects and how to manage them, Financial and practical matters, Your feelings after treatment and Living a healthy lifestyle.
Your pets
Your cancer treatment and pets
This factsheet gives you information about staying safe around your pets during and after your cancer treatment. (Available to download only.)
Farm animals
Your cancer treatment and farm animals
This factsheet gives you information about staying safe around farm animals during and after your cancer treatment. (Available to download only.)
Resources for carers and loved ones
caring for someone with cancer cover 2021
Caring for someone with cancer
This booklet has lots of information about the medical, practical and emotional care of someone with cancer. It also has information about how to talk to a loved one who has cancer.
A Time to Care booklet
A Time to Care. Caring for someone seriously ill at home
Booklet on caring for someone seriously ill at home
Coping resources for parents
Talking to children about cancer booklet
Talking to children about cancer
This booklet has been written to help parents, families and carers explain a parent's (or close adult's) cancer diagnosis to children. It also looks at how the diagnosis is likely to affect them.
Activity sheets for children pic
Activity sheets for children
Use these drawing exercises to help children express their feelings and emotions
Order publications for your organisation or company

If you are a healthcare professional or company and would like to order print copies of these booklets, complete our online ordering form.

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