Hat trick scored by Irish Cancer Society partners at Chambers Ireland Awards

The Irish Cancer Society is delighted to announce that our partners Dell and IBM were the recipients of three prestigious awards at last week's Chambers Ireland Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2012, with Dell claiming two awards on the night.

The event at Dublin's Burlington Hotel was extremely well attended by movers and shakers from throughout the corporate world. With this in mind, it was a real pleasure to see that the work, dedication and commitment that Dell and IBM have put into their partnerships with the Society shone through and was recognised accordingly. So, without further ado, the results… Dell - which through its partnership with Daffodil Day over the past two years has helped the Society to raise more than €7.5m, funds which provide a range of free nationwide patient care services - eclipsed all its rivals in the ‘Communication’ category with their awareness and support for Daffodil Day. The competition in that category was: 

  • Abbott Ireland – Launch of Abbott Ireland's First Citizen Report
  • ARAMARK Ireland – Celebrate Irish Food Campaign
  • UPC – UPC Digital Inclusion Programme 2012
  • Vodafone Ireland Foundation – Talk, Listen, Change

Dell were again successful with their ‘Flower Power, People Power’ initiative for Daffodil Day, which saw them win in the ‘Community - Volunteering - MNC’ category. Again, the competition was fierce: 

  • BT Ireland – BT Volunteers for Ireland 
  • O2 – Think Big mentoring and volunteering programme
  • Rabobank Ireland – Community Leave Policy
  • Savills – Making a difference

IBM won in the ‘Community Partnership with a Charity’ category for their work with the Care to Drive programme. They got the better of some stiff competition, with the shortlist completed by: 

  • Dell – DELLighted to Support the Irish Cancer Society's Daffodil Day initiative
  • Marks & Spencer – 5 Peaks Challenge 2011
  • McDonalds – McDonalds & the Ronald McDonald House
  • Rabobank Ireland – Partnership with Cork & Dublin Simon Communities
  • Vodafone Ireland Foundation – Answer your true calling with the Vodafone World of Difference Programme

 Congratulations all round to Dell and IBM. All well deserved! [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"1234","field_deltas":{"1":{}},"link_text":null,"fields":{},"attributes":{"height":"296","width":"460","class":"media-image media-element file-media-original","data-delta":"1"}}]] Dell Director of Corporate Communications [Western Europe], Ciara Lynch and Communications Programme Manager Sinead Gorby, pictured with the Chambers Ireland award in the "Communication" category for their awareness and support for Daffodil Day. Also pictured, from left, are Ian Talbot (CEO, Chambers Ireland), Leo Harmon (Director, Bam Contractors) and Fergus O'Dowd TD, Minister of State for NewERA [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"1235","field_deltas":{"2":{}},"link_text":null,"fields":{},"attributes":{"height":"325","width":"460","class":"media-image media-element file-media-original","data-delta":"2"}}]] Dell's second win of the night was in the "Community - Volunteering - MNC" category for their "Flower Power, People Power" initiative for Daffodil Day. Pictured from left, Fergus O'Dowd TD, Minister of State for NewERA, Caroline Grant (HR Director, Dell), Dermot O’Connell (General Manager, Dell) and Ian Talbot (CEO, Chambers Ireland) [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"1233","field_deltas":{"3":{}},"link_text":null,"fields":{},"attributes":{"height":"284","width":"460","class":"media-image media-element file-media-original","data-delta":"3"}}]] The IBM team receive their award for their work with the Care to Drive programme. From left, Mairead Kenny (Project Manager, IBM), Robert McCarthy (Business Development Manager, IBM), Minister of State for NewERA, Fergus O’Dowd TD, Deirdre Kennedy (Corporate Citizenship Manager, IBM), Martin Stephenson (Solutions Architect, IBM) and Ian Talbot (CEO, Chambers Ireland)