Irish Cancer Society Research Awards - Call for Nominations

Research funded by the Irish Cancer Society continues drive important improvements in the Irish cancer research landscape. Our work now encompasses that of individual researchers from PhD students to Principle Investigators, and with our support of larger Collaborative Cancer Research Centres, we are driving a national, multi-disciplinary approach to find new and innovative ways to improve cancer outcome.

To acknowledge and celebrate the work of our researchers, in the lab, clinic and elsewhere, we will be hosting the Irish Cancer Society Research Awards in February 2020.

This year, there are four categories:

  1. PhD Scholar
  2. Postdoctoral fellow
  3. Research Paper
  4. Research Support Staff

Eligibility & Submissions: 1. PhD Scholar

All PhD students (individual or collaborative awards) who are wholly or partly funded by the Irish Cancer Society are eligible to apply. Applications are welcome from those currently funded or with contracts that ended in 2019*.

Please submit a short personal statement outlining why you should be considered for this award (200 words max) and a lay research abstract (300 words max). Both of these should be written in lay terms, and use non - technical language. Applications must also be accompanied by a strong letter of support from your supervisor or mentor

The deadline for applications to this category is 29 November 2019. Applications will be reviewed by research and healthcare professionals as well as patient and public representatives. Please note that applicants who are shortlisted must be available to present their work at the Research Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2020.

Eligibility & Submissions: 2. Postdoctoral/Research Fellow

All Postdoctoral Fellows (individual or collaborative awards) who are wholly or partly funded by the Irish Cancer Society are eligible to apply. Applications are welcome from those currently funded or with contracts that ended in 2019.

Please submit a short personal statement outlining why you should be considered for this award (200 words max) and a lay research abstract (300 words max). Both of these should be written in lay terms, and use non - technical language. Applications must also be accompanied by a strong letter of support from your supervisor or mentor

The deadline for applications to this category is 29 November 2019. Applications will be reviewed by research and healthcare professionals as well as patient and public representatives. Please note that applicants who are shortlisted must be available to present their work at the Research Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2020.


Eligibility & Submissions: 3. Research Paper

This award is open to any cancer research paper published in 2019** which contains at a minimum, an Irish Cancer Society funded researcher as a first or last author (or joint first/last). Please note, authors must have been funded wholly or in part by the Irish Cancer Society while carrying out the research undertaken for this publication.

In order to apply for this award, authors are invited to submit a scientific abstract detailing the research undertaken as part of the publication (300 words max). All authors of the publication must be named on the abstract, and the names of the Irish Cancer Society funded applicants should be underlined.

The deadline for applications to this category is 29 November 2019. One publication will be selected to receive this award. Please note, that either the first or last author of the winning publication must be available to present the paper on behalf of all authors at the Research Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2020.

Eligibility & Submissions: 4. Research Support Staff

Nominees for this category are not required to be part or wholly funded by the Irish Cancer Society but support the work of those who are. The description ‘Support Staff’ refers to any staff member in your group, at any level, who offer supervision, mentorship and support. This includes but is not limited to: research assistants, technical staff, registration officers, lab managers, research nurses, data managers, administrative staff (including project/programme managers, research manager/coordinators) etc. Here we are looking for someone who on a daily basis goes above and beyond the call of duty to support the research being carried out.

Nominations in this category must be from a third party familiar with the nominee; you cannot nominate yourself in this category.

Nomination should consist of a letter of support from one or more Irish Cancer Society-funded researchers explaining why the nominees should be considered for this award. The nominator must have sought consent of the nominee in advance of the submission. There is no limit to the number of people who can sign this letter. However, one person must be highlighted as the contact point for the nomination. Please note, that all large collaborative projects funded wholly or in part by the Irish Cancer Society must nominate at least 1 individual for this award.

The deadline for applications to this category is 29 November 2019. Please note, that the winner must be must be available to attend the Research Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2020 to say a few words on their role and why it is important.

Please email nominations to with the subject line “Research Awards Nomination”

*including no cost extensions

** epublications ahead of print, will be accepted once they have been published online during 2019