Letterkenny Women's Centre to host healthy lifestyles talk
The Letterkenny Women’s Centre is hosting a Women’s Health and Cancer Prevention evening in conjunction with the Irish Cancer Society and the National Cancer Screening Service on Thursday 18th October.
The evening is aimed at anyone with an interest in promoting women’s health and well-being in their community and finding out what cancer prevention services are available for women.
Róisín Kavanagh, Chairperson of the Letterkenny Women's Centre, said: “Women today lead very busy, demanding lives. Family, work and many other commitments can mean that they neglect their own health. We hope women will take some time out for themselves and come along, pick up the Irish Cancer Society’s new booklet 'A women’s guide to healthy living and cancer' and hear from Antoinette Morley, Screening Promotion Officer at the National Cancer Screening Service, about the latest updates on CervicalCheck and BreastCheck services in Donegal,"
Joanne Vance, Senior Health Promotion Officer at the Irish Cancer Society, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this initiative. There are many positive things we can do to protect our health. The key message of the Irish Cancer Society’s Community Health Education Programme (CHEP) is that you can cut your risk of getting cancer in half, if you make healthy lifestyle choices. We are all aware of the benefits of eating our five-a-day and taking daily exercise, and we know that keeping a healthy weight is good for your wellbeing, but it can also reduce women’s risk of breast, cervical and ovarian cancer. Participating in public screening programmes like CervicalCheck and BreastCheck is also very much part of reducing your risk and making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle."
The workshop discussion will be led by Maeve Cusack, Screening Promotion Manager with the National Cancer Screening Service. She will answer any queries about the programme and will also highlight some future challenges, including the need to encourage women over 50 to attend cervical screening.
The event will also be supported by Irish Cancer Society Community Health Education Programme (CHEP), trained volunteers who will be available at the health information stand to provide support and advice on the evening.
CHEP is an initiative designed to create awareness on how individuals can improve the health of communities throughout Ireland. Volunteers can help support delivery of the prevention and early detection of cancer message through information talks or stands in local workplaces, sporting organisations, mothers' groups and youth clubs. CHEP talks cover a range of subjects including CancerSmart Lifestyle, Cancer & Men, Cancer & Women, Skin Cancer and Smoking.
The focus of the programme is to increase knowledge and skills on how to reduce the risk of cancer and how to spot changes early, and to encourage behaviour change among members of the public.
The Women’s Health and Cancer Prevention event will take place on Thursday 18th October in the Letterkenny Women’s Centre, Port Road Letterkenny, from 7-9.30pm.
To book your place contact (074) 912 4985 or email womenscentrelkenny@eircom.net.