LifeAlbum aims to build largest app based photo album in the world to benefit the Irish Cancer Society
This week Cork based marketing company The Digital Department launched LifeAlbum, a communal photo album created by the general public to benefit the Irish Cancer Society. While the ambition may be lofty the goal is to build the largest app based photo album in the world and raise substantial funds for cancer research in the process.
LifeAlbum works by people downloading the app and uploading their photos into it. It is a shared forum so all the photos can be viewed by anyone with the app. It is divided into all different categories from sport, to love, to special occasions so users can share the wonderful, weird and wacky moments in their lives. Every time someone downloads LifeAlbum from the app store 10% of the proceeds* are donated towards cancer research. (*Approximately 15c per purchase depending on where in the world it is bought.)
The campaign will run under the slogan ‘What’s your #LifeAlbumForCancer?’ The app costs just over a euro to download so it’s hoped that everyone that can will purchase LifeAlbum.
Alan Brogan at the Digital Department said ‘We are delighted to do this project in aid of Cancer Research and the Irish Cancer Society. We see LifeAlbum as a celebration of life and want it to be a reflection of the weird and wonderful in it. We really encourage people to share their LifeAlbum’s to social media so to encourage others and help the concept find traction. The more fun people have doing it the better. We really hope this will make a real difference to the ICS for 2015.’
Speaking about the partnership, Grainne Kennedy, Irish Cancer Society said, “2014 marks a significant year for the Irish Cancer Society. It is our 51st year of operation and the world has changed dramatically since we were established in 1963. Technology and social media is becoming a bigger part of our everyday lives and it is great to get support from companies like The Digital Department. We hope the public support their new app and help fund our incredible programme of cancer research. We would like to thank The Digital Department for supporting us, and look forward to seeing how technology can help us reach our goal of a future without cancer.”
The LifeAlbum app is available to download from today in all mobile phone app stores. For more information on how you can get involved, visit