LOL_3 Women

Major step towards women deferring maternity leave will give mothers with cancer precious time back with their babies

Irish Cancer Society welcomes cabinet approval and pays tribute to the mothers at the centre of their ‘Leave our Leave’ campaign

24th July 2024 – The Irish Cancer Society has welcomed cabinet approval for a legislative amendment allowing women to defer maternity leave in cases of serious illness and paid tribute to campaigners who have fought for this change. The Maternity Protection (Amendment) and Miscellaneous Provision Bill will ensure that women undergoing treatment for cancer, or other serious illnesses can postpone their maternity leave for a year. The need for change was spearheaded by a group of women who went through cancer postpartum as part of the Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Leave Our Leave’ campaign. 

Erica Tierney, cancer survivor and campaigner said:On behalf of every mother and family who’s had to deal with cancer and pregnancy, I am so happy to hear the government have listened and responded to our campaign of the last two years to let us postpone our maternity leave. It’s almost impossible to imagine what we’ve gone through but I’m so relieved to know that mams like us will be able to do this. Since my diagnosis in 2019, about 270 other women have gone through this devastation. This news is a huge step forward and I now wait with bated breath to see the legislation completed as soon as possible, so that women affected won’t spend their maternity leave receiving life-saving cancer treatment but making precious memories with their babies instead.”

Averil Power, CEO at the Irish Cancer Society, said:Currently, women with cancer can’t defer their maternity leave until their treatment ends. This means that when their maternity leave runs out, working mothers  have to return to work and never get back the vital bonding time they missed when they were sick.  The Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Leave Our Leave’ campaign, led by women affected, has been highlighting the distressing impact this is having on women and their babies. Last year, Minister O’Gorman signalled he would change the law and we’re delighted that legislation is now moving forward. We also welcome the Minister’s commitment to fast tracking the legislation.  It is essential it now passes through the Oireachtas as quickly as possible, so the change is made before the next general election. I’d like to thank the women and their families who have supported the campaign. By bravely sharing their stories, they have highlighted how awful it is to go through cancer while pregnant or with a young baby and how cruel it is to be unable to postpone your maternity leave until you are better. Thanks to them, when this change is implemented, other women will be spared that heartbreak."

While men can defer paternity leave if they get sick, women do not have the same right at present. The Maternity Protection Act 2004 stipulates that anyone who is diagnosed with cancer or any other serious illness during pregnancy must use their maternity leave to cover their treatment. Maternity leave can only be postponed where the child is hospitalised.