The Cancer Candy Store

€5 to be donated to Irish Cancer Society from every sale of The Cancer Candy Store book

Deborah Shipperlee  was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in February 2011. Writing her personal journey in rhyme she found that the words became her counsellor, her healer and provided strenght to cope with a diagnosis full of fear. Deborah who lives in Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland, which provided the backdrop for the majority of the photographs contained in her book "The Cancer Candy Shop". 

"The Cancer Candy Shop" cost €10 to buy and for everyone bought, Deborah, will donate €5 to the Irish Cancer Society. You can order the book, by email Deborah on:

Some quotes of peoples thoughts Deborah's book: 

"You described my journey and emotions. I did not realise that these we allpart of a normal cancer journey"

" We can't believe that the cancer journey has not been described in this format before. It is so simple and bright and at the same time so practical."