Today, May 18th is European Cancer Nursing Day- a day to recognise and celebrate the positive impact that nurses have on the quality of cancer care across Europe! To mark the day, Anne Quinlan an Irish Cancer Society nurse based in the Daffodil Centre in University Hospital Limerick speaks about her role and what it means to her.

Since qualifying as a nurse I have worked with cancer patients from diagnosis, through treatment and at the end of life. I spent the earlier part of my career working in hospitals in London and Dublin before returning to work in Limerick 24years ago. The potential to make a difference in someone’s life has always motivated me when caring for cancer patients and I remain passionate about improving the cancer patient’s journey.

I began working as a cancer Nurse in The Daffodil Centre In University Hospital Limerick almost two years ago. Together with my jobsharing partner Noreen and a team of wonderful trained volunteers we offer free cancer information, education advice and support to anyone concerned or affected by cancer. It is a safe confidential space where individual cultural and religious beliefs are respected. The centre is open from 0830 -1630 from Monday to Friday, we encourage people to drop in as no appointment is needed. Everyone is welcome whether they are concerned about cancer and cancer prevention, are patients, family members or health care professionals and carers.

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"The impact of a cancer diagnosis brings a lot of different emotions, people are often traumatised and shocked."

No two days in The Daffodil Centre are the same and we deal with a wide range of enquiries. Sometimes it’s adressing concerns about cancer risks, causes and prevention. People are encouraged to avail of our wide range of information leaflets and booklets or to check out the vast amount of information on The Irish Cancer website at . We sometimes signpost or refer them to other services eg QUIT.

Often it’s about helping people to understand what to expect from a cancer diagnosis and sharing key information to manage symptoms and side effects. We compliment the work of our colleagues in the cancer centre by holding weekly chemotherapy education sessions.


The impact of a cancer diagnosis brings a lot of different emotions, people are often traumatised and shocked. A key part of our role is supporting patients through the cancer experience. At times it’s about being a presence who listens compassionately. People may seek reassurance and guidance to help them to ask important questions from their healthcare professionals. The physical changes and the altered body image that cancer and it’s treatment cause is distressing for many and a referral to programmes such as the “look good Feel Better can help. Other’s are worried about supporting their children. We try to find appropriate support for each individual, we can arrange couselling, referrals to local cancer support centres to survivor support volunteers. This support is also available for their loved ones. We work closely with all of the support services.

Often times peoples greatest concerns are practical and financial, they may be unable to work and on top of that they have expenses of travelling to hospital appointments, medication costs etc. We can make them aware of the benefits and services they may be entitled to for example the volunteer driver service. We also liaise with local services including the social workers or we can refer them to our Practical and Financial Support team.

While sadly there are occassions when we are helping and supporting people whose cancer is incurable, it is always lovely to hear from those who call in after a clinic visit to share the good new about their scan and test results. We are also here to help patients to live a full and productive life after cancer and one of the ways we do this is  by running the LACES (Life and cancer enhancing survivorship) programme regularly.

I am truly inspired by the many cancer patients and their families who show so much courage and resilience in one of the most vulnerable times of their lives and am also grateful for the many amazing colleagues and friends I have met along the way.



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