Transparency and the highest standards
Recent stories in the media about how charities raise money and how they are run have resulted in our donors and supporters asking us legitimate questions about how we spend the money the public gives us.
If you would like to find out financial information about us, our most recent consolidated accounts are online here (pdf, 170KB).
Irish Cancer Society annual reports are also online over here.
Also, we are not waiting for the Government to appoint a Charity Regulator to have us operate to the highest standards of governance. We do that already. We have signed up to voluntary codes of best practice and, as a company limited by guarantee, we are subject to the rigours of company law.
We'd like to thank everyone who has supported us in 2013, and look forward to your continued support in the future as we set about realising our vision - a future without cancer!
Finally, here are two videos that may be of interest - they tell you about what we do, and our vision for the next five years: