XHALE 2017 Winners

XHALE 2017 Winner

Thursday, 6th July 2017: As it prepares for X-HALE Youth Awards today, the Society has said is it vital that this generation of young people give the biggest blow to cancer possible – by not starting to smoke. The Irish Cancer Society has said that research shows that nearly eight in ten smokers will begin the habit before their 18th birthday.

Over 350 young people from 40 youth and community groups will today showcase a huge range of short films based on anti-tobacco messages in the Odeon Cinema in The Point Village, Dublin. The groups are travelling to the event from all over Ireland and have written, directed and starred in their own films. They have worked hard to promote the smoke free messages in their films through screenings, poster campaigns and awareness raising events in their communities. Their films have received an impressive 20,000 views on YouTube so far. 

While the rate of smoking has seen declines in recent years, 8% (or approximately 40,260) of children and young people between the ages of 10 and 17 are using tobacco.[ii] 

Kevin O’Hagan, Cancer Prevention Manager with the Irish Cancer Society said, “Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of cancer in Ireland, causing one in three cancers overall and nine in ten lung cancers. Our young people have a really important part to play in enabling Ireland to become a tobacco-free country – simply by not starting in the first place or by getting the right supports to quit. 

“A typical 17 year old today has seen huge changes to attitudes to smoking in this country over their lifetime. They have seen a workplace smoking ban, a ban on ten packs of cigarettes, the introduction of health warnings on tobacco products, a ban on smoking in cars with children and are on the cusp of seeing plain packaging come into force.”

“All of these measures have seen smoking rates decline but the battle is not yet won and we have still a lot to do. We need to ensure that young people are supported to be smoke free and are confident enough to share this message with their peers. Today the Irish Cancer Society is very proud to showcase the work of youth groups who are standing up and highlighting the impact of tobacco.”

Doireann Garrihy, Blogger, Presenter on Spin 103.8 and MC of the awards show, said, “I am really delighted to be presenting the X-HALE Youth Awards today. There are groups from 20

counties right across Ireland taking part including Youth Work Ireland, Crosscare, Foroige, No Name Club, Youthreach and Community Training Centres among many others, and they will all see their work showcased on the big screen!

“I want to pay special tribute to all of the young people who have put such a huge effort into each of the films. They are all fantastic pieces of work and show such creativity and originality. The anti-smoking message is such an important one to champion and I’m really impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm shown by all of the participants.”

X-HALE is a community initiative, established in 2011 in partnership with youth organisations and young people across Ireland. X-HALE aims to harness the potential for young people to drive the movement towards a tobacco-free generation among their friends, communities and wider networks using film, social media and community action.

The winners of the 2017 X-HALE Youth Awards are listed below. For further information on X-HALE visit www.cancer.ie/xhale and to watch the X-HALE entries visit www.cancer.ie/xhale2017

Follow the X-HALE conversation using the #TheXGeneration, go to the Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/XHaleYouthAwards or the Tumblr blog www.thexgenerationxhale.tumblr.com

Irish Cancer Society X-HALE Youth Awards – 2017 Winners

Overall Senior Category Short Film Competition Winner (Prize donated by Bank of Ireland) 

Edenderry Youth Café: Don’t Let Yourself Rot from the Inside Out

Overall Junior Category Short Film Competition Winner (Prize donated by Bank of Ireland)

Bounce Back Youth Services- Wrong Choices


Short Film Competition Senior Category Runner Up

Nenagh Community Training CentreTo Smoke is a Joke

Short Film Competition Junior Category Runner Up

Attic House Teen Project- Ex-hale

Community Campaign Winner

Club Óg Ógras Baile Uí Thuaidhg- Ná Bac Le Tabac

Online Competition Winner (most views on YouTube)

Southill Club2gether Youth Project Limerick-Smoking Changes Your Life

Judges Choice Winner

Poppintree Youth Project- Live Your Life

Most Convincing Smoking Prevention Film

Fountain Youth Project- Peer Pressure

Best Smoke Free Generation Message

The Youth Booth Ballinrobe- Ditch the Fags

Best Impact of Tobacco Message

Dun Laoighaire Community Training Centre- Smokey’s Story

Best Smoking Infuences Message

Corofin Foroige- Voices

Best Actress

Ellen Carroll- YWI Monaghan Castleblayney Youth Café- The Cigarette Assassin

Best Actor

Craig Smith- Foroige Ferrybank Waterford-Clearing the Smoke

Best Social Media Post of the day

YouthWork Ireland Monaghan

Best Blogging Group

Blanchardstown Community Training Centre- I Told You So


[i] Report of the Tobacco Policy Review Group (2013) Tobacco Free Ireland Department of Heath

[ii] Gavin, A., Keane, E., Callaghan, M., Molcho, M., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S (2015). The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study 2014. Department of Health and National University of Ireland, Galway.