Pat Purcell transport service volunteer

Transport Service

Our Transport Service provides volunteer drivers to transport cancer patients to and from their hospital chemotherapy treatments. 

Over 1,200 drivers around Ireland volunteer for the Irish Cancer Society Transport Service to ease the strain of travel on cancer patients.

Our Transport Service provides volunteer drivers to transport cancer patients to and from their hospital chemotherapy treatments. Patients must attend one of the hospitals participating in the programme and be referred by the hospital. Ask your hospital social worker or nurse for more information.

You can reach out to arrange Transport for you or your family at (01) 231 0522.

Call the Transport Service team

Transport Service Stats
1,045Transport Service volunteers worked with the Irish Cancer Society in 2022
21,349Transport Service journeys were completed in 2022
2,152cancer patients used our Transport Service in 2022
quotations Created with Sketch.

I have met wonderful people during my time with the Irish Cancer Society. I am so glad I am a volunteer driver. When the drive is complete and the patient is left to their door, I have a definite sense that I have done something good and worthwhile for someone else, and that makes me happy.

Brian, volunteer driver
Brian Sweeney, volunteer driver

For more information

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(01) 231 0522

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