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posted by hallied
25 July 2024

Prosthesis replacement

Last reply: 01 August 2024 17:02
Hi All I had a mastectomy two years ago and got a form from the breast nurse for a prosthesesis and bra to take to a surgical bra shop, all free of charge. I believe even if you are not a medical card holder you can get an allowance towards a replacement prostheseis and bra. But how do you go about getting this? Is it at the breast clinic or is there a specialised department within the HSE that deals with it? Thanks for your help.
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posted by clara h
20 July 2024

Newly diagnoised multi focal breast cancer

Last reply: 23 July 2024 15:55
Hello everyone . I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with multifocal invasive carcinoma. It is oestrogen and progesterone receptive . I have six areas in my breast so I need a mastectomy. I am getting the mastectomy and reconstruction on the same day but there is quite a long wait as a plastic surgeon and a general surgeon are involved . It’s now 5 weeks since my initial consultation and they are unable to firm up a date . It’s looking like another 4 to six weeks waiting. I’m a bit demented at this stage. I wonder has anyone a similar experience and were they given chemo? I think you are less likely to have radium with a mastectomy? I feel totally at sea .. many thanks
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posted by MarleyG3
18 July 2024

Mole removal

Last reply: 18 July 2024 16:38
Hi, I had 2 moles removed privately 8 weeks ago now, I was sent a letter for a review appointment 2 weeks ago and I am very worried I tried to ring the consultant 2 weeks ago when I received the lettter but he’s off on holiday for 2 weeks Is a review appointment normal for private patients? Thank you
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posted by wilmaone
18 July 2024

New pain in good breast ,stressed

Last reply: 19 July 2024 10:43
Hi all just wondering if anyone started getting pain in their good breast ? Little back ground ,fist time diagnosed in 2011 ,local recurrance 2021 ,finished all chemo treatment jan 23 . Since then have been diagnosed with having had a TIA (not related and years ago ) and then diagnosed with cardiac issues (seeing cardiologist next week) I’m on 6 month Ct scans with oncology and all so far is clear . But I’ve noticed I’m getting annoying pain in the same area of my good breast that comes and goes in bouts in exactly the same spot and is getting more noticeable . If I press in the area it’s sore and I can feel lumpy tissue . I have breast clinic appt in September so am thinking just wait and see but am also getting a little anxious . Would it be stress from all other issues going on ? Am I just being overly anxious ? Thanks for reading . Xx
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posted by Richard Newall
16 July 2024

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Last reply: 25 July 2024 21:55
Hi I've had a diagnosis of grade 4 prostate cancer. The good news is that CT and bone scans reveal it has not metastasized. Very relieved and hence considering my options optimistically! I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has undergone a radical prostatectomy and their experience of managing incontinence and preserving some sexual function. Thank you
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posted by carver
14 July 2024

Second opinion on a biopsy

Last reply: 11 August 2024 18:35
Hi there, I recently had a biopsy. I would like a SECOND opinion on this biopsy - totally independent of the first opinion that I recently received. How do I get a second opinion on a biopsy? Thank you.
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posted by hard decisions
12 July 2024

Salvage Prostatectomy v Hormone Therapy

Last reply: 15 July 2024 17:15
My partner had brachytherapy for localised prostate cancer in October 2020. His PSA is now rising again and he has been offered Hormone Therapy. The cancer is still contained within the prostate gland. We have been looking at the possibility of a Salvage Prostatectomy in the UK. I would be most grateful if anyone with experience of either of these treatments could tell us how they worked out. Thank you.
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posted by Noeleen Wright
11 July 2024

Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

Last reply: 09 August 2024 08:04
I had a mastectomy in 2008 and in 2014 after been given all clear decided to have reconstruction. The Implant that was used were found to cause Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and were discontinued in Ireland in 2018. My gut feeling is to now have Implant removed even though the advice is not to unless you are presenting with symptoms. My thinking is if I have symptoms it is too late. This cancer is treatable but I'm not sure it's curable. Has anyone any advice or in the same situation?
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posted by Miss Teak
04 July 2024

Elective double mastectomy

Last reply: 08 July 2024 15:13
Got a breast cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. One breast involved and one lymph node. Some family history of breast and ovarian cancer but not enough to be put forward for genetic screening. My gut is telling me I need and want a double mastectomy. Medical are dead set on a lumpectomy. Fighting them on this is actually causing more stress than anything. I've read all the papers about lumpectomy + rads having similar outcomes. But my gut is still screaming at me that it won't be enough in my case. Did anyone here get a double mastectomy under similar circumstance and if so where did you get it done?
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posted by ROC
03 July 2024

Losing face

Last reply: 08 July 2024 14:26
Greetings! I'm a bit of a newcomer to online communities, but here goes.... I was recently diagnosed with cancer of the nose. I have been through the mill of CT, MRI and PET scans and basically at this stage I am awaiting surgery. I gather that I am facing [pun not intended] a rhinectomy in a couple of weeks time. The prospect is leaving me just a little nervous. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of this, and what to expect?
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