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posted by Frodobaby
13 May 2013

Travel insurance after brain tumour

Last reply: 16 May 2013 14:40
Hi , heading away in a couple of weeks and am finding it extremely hard to get insured. I understand il pay a hefty premium but i need it. Has anyone any history with this? Or any recommendations? And also has anyone just gone with the policy that just doesn't cover your pre existing illness, did it work out ok? Cheers, Ian.
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posted by ciara2013
13 May 2013

please help

Last reply: 13 May 2013 16:31
Hi Guys, I don't know who I can contact so I'm writing here. My partner started to get panic attacks and from his words he feels like his head will explode. Also he feels very thirsty all the time, drinks a lot of water, pees so much that his bladder started hurting but he is still thirsty. When he was younger,he used to smoke a lot of canabis. He read online the symptoms and he came to the idea of brain tummor. He is devastated. He lost his job, and I only get paid 100 euro per week, and we can't afford to see a gp or a doctor, he doesn't have a medical card. Are there any centres in Dublin that do free scans or diagnostics? We are desperate at this point. Thank you, hope to hear from you soon. Ciara
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posted by sunshine68
13 May 2013

new to this

Last reply: 13 May 2013 21:06
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with Invasive ductual carcinoma and had a segmental lumpectomy. Results came back with lymph nodes which were clear, thank god but now have to have the lumpectomy again on thursday as my margins still not clear. I am 44 only married 2 years and have no children. my mum died 23 years ago from the same condition. I would be happy if i knew whether i was facing chemo or radio many brave women on this site
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posted by wilmaone
13 May 2013


Last reply: 14 May 2013 22:01
Hi ladies Me again!!!have been taken off tamoxifen and put on femara anyone else on this?whats it like? Thanks in advance Xx
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posted by sunshine71
13 May 2013

estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer/ovaries remov

Last reply: 14 May 2013 21:41
Again, just reading up and realise having your ovaries removed is an option for some women who haven't reached the menopause yet but who have oestrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer. Just wondering has anyone had this done or talked this through with their medical team. From what I'm understanding its for women who are still producing oestrogen and it stops oestrogen production. I had chemotherapy and felt the full onslaught of the menopause and my bloods showed it was indeed that. Now, however, my periods are back to normal and usual cycle I've always had. I'm aware there are drugs that work by lowering or blocking the effects of oestrogen on breast cancer cells. But I don't want any more children and wonder is removing my ovaries a better, more permanent option. Going by my mum she was nearly 11 years older than I am now when she went into natural menopause. Lots of questions on this one....will chat with my medical team on this but curious as usual, on other womens' experience.
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posted by Superwhy
14 May 2013

Nails discoloured...

Last reply: 22 May 2013 21:27
One of my nails has started to discolour. Have just done chemo 4 have 2 left. Am doing tch chemo.. Has anyone got shellac nails done or is that a bad idea.. Not very good at painting my nails..
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posted by miranda
16 May 2013

Chemo advice.

Last reply: 21 May 2013 18:32
Hi everybody. Miranda here.cannot believe the time has arrived for my first chemotherapy treatment on Monday 20th may. Don't know what to expect! I'm scared and nervous.any tips and advice on how to cope with the next few months and going for my wig fitting tomorrow? Cannot come to terms with losing my hair. Any help is much appreciated, and hopefully I can help others through my experiences too.
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posted by Beckala
17 May 2013

BRCA gene testing

Last reply: 20 May 2013 11:15
So a few years ago my old GP told me I might qualify to get this BRAC test done. Thank God, touch wood, I haven't had a sniff of cancer but want to keep it that way and prevent at all costs. I can't seem to get any straight forward info on this BRCA testing on any website in relation to Ireland. I mean, is it covered by the medical card? How long is the waiting list and how do I apply?? I'm 33 yrs old and want to be smart about this - prevention is better than cure, right! Family History: Brother: Leukemia - deceased Mother: Brest Cancer- diagnosed at 50 - deceased Father: Lung, bowel cacer - diagnosed at 50 - deceased Aunts and uncles on both sides Grandparents all had cancer.
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posted by Neadi
20 May 2013

Weight after chemo

Last reply: 22 May 2013 08:40
Hi girls Much to my horror I've found I've put on a stone since diagnosis and two weeks ago set about cleaning up the eating act and am slowly getting back to walking and slow jogging, having been an avid runner/ gold weight watchers member for 10 years. So I have the tools at my disposal........ Anyhow in the two weeks, the scale has not budged one iota, and needless to say I am getting a bit peed off as I am trying! Am I being too ambitious trying to do this 3 weeks after chemo? Has anyone had trouble and did they overcome it? I haven't even gone on tamoxifen yet! Yikes!!!!! Help!!!!!!
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posted by Amaryllis
21 May 2013

Hair regrowth after chemo

Last reply: 26 May 2013 22:32
I finished chemo at the end of March and now have a soft downy covering of hair on my head. I read someone elses post that they had the first few layers shaved off to make it stronger - but Im a bit loath to shave off the little bit I have and go back to being completely bald again ....any advice? Also have no eyebrows or eyelashes but think nails are finally growing again...
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