Breast cancer
posted by Resolute
10 August 2021


Last reply: 11 August 2021 10:23

Hi there, following breast cancer, surgery and radiotherapy I did 5 years of Tamoxifen and I am now in my third year of letrozole .. Mensturation stopped completely when I started Tomoxifen but I now suddenly have some bleeding/brown discharge .. is this normal or so I need to make an appointment with my doctor?

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
11 August 2021

11 August 2021 10:23

Hi Resolute,

Thank you for contacting the Irish Cancer Society.

I am sorry to read that you were treated for breast cancer. I hope that you have been keeping well in the years since while taking tamoxifen and letrozole.

It is common for periods to become lighter, irregular or sometimes stop completely while taking tamoxifen. For some people their periods may return after finishing tamoxifen treatment. Other people may notice they have some spotting or light periods around the time that they switch hormone therapy.

You mentioned that you are now in your third year of letrozole treatment. As this vaginal bleeding/discharge has only recently started we would recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor to have this reviewed. There can be several different reasons for vaginal bleeding/discharge, but it is important to have this followed up.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact one of our cancer nurses on the Support Line. The Support Line Freephone number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer nurse

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