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posted by Nonie59
09 April 2024

Polyps found in colonoscopy

Last reply: 10 April 2024 11:39
I had 13 polyps found at my colonoscopy yesterday. I’m very worried they could be cancerous considering the amount found. Has anybody had a lot of polyps removed and found that they were benign?
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posted by Nonie59
09 April 2024

Polyps found in colonoscopy

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posted by kransom
02 April 2024


Last reply: 03 April 2024 11:39
Hi, Has anyone here had experience with seroma's and discharge post treatment? Struggling with this at the moment and would love to talk to someone who has dealt with it.
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posted by bidz
02 April 2024


Last reply: 06 April 2024 10:34
Hi all, new here. Could anyone recommend insurance for travel. Dr has said I’m good to go on hols, but everyone I ring when I say on maintenance chemo and ongoing, say no not covered. Just looking for a bit of advice or help. Thanks in advance for any info
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posted by Clontarfian
27 March 2024

Pre-Operative Physiotherapy (for pelvic floor before radical prostatectomy)

Last reply: 25 July 2024 21:38
Hi, I have just recently been diagnosed with with prostate cancer and have opted for for RARP, scheduled for early May. I am interested to know if anyone has experience of pre-operative physio? My main worry with the prostatectomy is the incontinence issues and I am interested in getting some specialist phsio support in advance to ensure I am effective in working on my pelvic floor. I will ask my consultant (by email as I dont have another pre-opp appointment booked) but wanted to know if there were any physios that might have some expertise in this specialist type of treatment with men pre and post prostatectomy. Also interested in any good resources on specific exercises programs . Thanks to all those who have posted on this forum, looking back at previous posts has been really helpful and encouraging for me as I deal with my diagnosis.
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posted by diasydoo
25 March 2024

Paclitaxel Herceptin starting March 2024

Last reply: 26 March 2024 15:45
Starting TH ( Paclitaxol and herceptin) March 25th. 12 weeks and then 9 months of herceptin. Interested to hear how others are getting in with this treatment.
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posted by Daiz
22 March 2024

Urgent breast clinic app

Last reply: 27 March 2024 12:15
Hi all! Went to see my GP on the 13th of this month with a large breast lump. He sent for an urgent referral to St James’s breast clinic. I got an appointment for the 15th of April. The wait is killing me! She I try to go private or just wait? I’m stressing myself out here…
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posted by BeachVibes
16 March 2024

Waiting for Triple Assessment

Last reply: 16 March 2024 21:45
Hi All, I found this forum when I went down the rabbit hole of Dr. Google as the wait for my triple assessment is two weeks! There’s one more week left now of waiting and it has been agony. I’m 42 and when I was 21 they found a through an ultrasound a 1cm benign cyst in my right breast. Fast forward to January this year I found out my great-aunt has stage 4 breast cancer and my mum’s cousin is a breast cancer survivor hence I asked my GP for a breast check referral. The day after my first mammogram they sent me a recall letter which has now got me thinking the worst case scenario as I have have two young kids. I’m going to Vincent’s and was told I will be there the entire morning and to bring someone with me. Anyone here had this experience before? I’m currently in the middle of dealing with Depression hence don’t really need the anxiety of not knowing and waiting on top of it!
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posted by paulax
13 March 2024

Small cell lung cancer

Last reply: 14 March 2024 15:36
Hi I just had it confirmed today I have small cell lung cancer I I will need chemo and radiotherapy. I have a few practical questions. First one been a wig ware do I buy one in Dublin I'm not vain but don't want to fighting my children or grandchildren this soon chemo starts next week and want to be prepared for every outcome without giving them to much also incredibly worried about my husband he is my second husband and not the father of my children but they adore him even though they are very close to there dad so are my husband and I but my husband suffers from ptsd and bipolar he is also coming back slowly from a brain injury. I need some advice on how to cope with who is going to take over my home with him when I'm gone This is there family home and he has lived hear for almost 20 years 2 of my sons want to live and look after him and both get on really well with him and all the grandchildren adore him. Do I make a will or affidavit as its very important that he is taking care of and it would put my mind at ease. I kind of know my outcome as I've been with my brother and sister through chemo before they passed away 😢 and also another brother who decided against treatment I know chemo should buy me some time ⏲️ but probably not enough to organise things when chemo kicks in. I probably have a lot more questions but it's just sinking in a little and all the time in the world is such a short time now I'm not giving myself time to think about it I was quite positive up till today no I'm more worried than anything else. I would be grateful for any advice you can give me Thanks for taking the time to read this Paulax
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posted by Genevieve
07 March 2024

Post chemo hairdresser

Last reply: 26 April 2024 23:32
Hi there, I am almost 12 months post chemo & my hair has grown back really well. I haven’t had it cut yet & it’s a bit mad looking now! I went for a consultation today at a hairdressers & the guy was really unhelpful. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good hairdresser in Co.Wicklow/Dublin who knows what they’re doing with post chemo short hair? Many thanks 😊
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