Breast cancer
posted by wilmaone
13 May 2013


Last reply: 14 May 2013 22:01

Hi ladies
Me again!!!have been taken off tamoxifen and put on femara anyone else on this?whats it like?
Thanks in advance




commented by Ania
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 19:12

Never heard of femara before. But I have been taken off tamoxifen for 3-6wks for a break, I am a bit nervous cos going on tamoxifen was the worst 4wks of my life and not sure if I can go through the phase1 again, if they want to restart it ;( did u have a break from tamoxifen before this new drug? How did u get on?

commented by wilmaone
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 19:58

hi Ania
Thanks for reply.Femara is an aromitose inhibitor he has switched me over as i am now menopausal.Yes i have been off tamoxifen for 2 weeks and the difference has been great so am a little nervous about starting new one tomorrow.I have to go back in 2 months to make sure ovaries havent started up again.


commented by Ania
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 21:15

Yeah maybe I should should enjoy the break and stop worrying about it. Good luck tomorrow with the femara, let us know ow ou get on with it!!x

commented by Josephine
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 23:40

Hi ladies
I'm interested in this also as I will be changing drugs once I have ovaries removed.
Just wondering what symptoms made you have to come off the tamoxifen?

commented by Ania
14 May 2013

14 May 2013 22:01

Hi jo, I just couldn't handle the moods. I am so irritable everyday, wake up in a bad mood, lots of random crying and just started to loose interest in doing anything. So taking a break to see if my mood gets any better off the tamoxifen. I really hope it does, even through chemo I was much better than I am now!

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