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posted by Ciara O Connor
07 March 2021

Meeting Medical Oncologist

Last reply: 07 March 2021 23:07
My father was diagnosed with Advanced Bowel cancer in January, they think he may have a huge tumour growing for the last 5 to 10 years.He has just finished 5 weeks of Chemo and Radiotherapy. He has suffered many side effects and is on a lot of pain relief. He has no appetite and is loosing a lot of weight. He is very ill. I am going with him tomorrow to meet his Medical Oncologist and this is all still very new for my dad and the rest of us. I want to support him in the best way I can. What sort of questions should we be asking at tomorrows appointment?
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posted by Freckles
23 January 2013

Ocular Cancer (Melanoma of the Eye)

Last reply: 25 February 2024 17:07
I have recently been diagnosed and have had Radiation treatment for Ocular Cancer (Melanoma of the Eye). I would like to hear from other people who have had or have the same problem. Regards
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posted by Iamstrong
25 February 2021

Herbal Teas

Last reply: 04 March 2021 21:24
Hi, I received a gift from a friend that included a box of herbal tea. In the tea were ingredients like Lemon Balm Leaf, Chamomile, Star Anise, Passionflower, Ashwagandha and Valerian Root. I stupidly drank the tea without thinking. Now I read it could interact with chemo and I'm in a real state about it and worried I've signed off on more cancer for myself. Anyone know anything about these and if I've made a massive mistake that could intimately cost me my life? I only had those tea bags really. I feel like an idiot for not just going for water. Thank you
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posted by liam cuddihy
04 March 2021

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Hi I'm 51 in September I had a reoccurrence of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma I've been through rice and I am currently on a trial the outcome of which will decide if i go for stem cell transplant. my question is what have peoples experience of stem cell transplant been like and any advice about preparing for the transplant and recovering. Thanks Liam
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posted by Dizzy63
27 February 2021

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 03 March 2021 13:55
Hi Guys, Am totally new to this whole journey and just wondering if there’s a forum for people newly diagnosed with breast cancer, post Mastectomy and commencing chemotherapy. I find very limited posts and would love to interact with people in same situation. Many thanks.
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posted by Cheshire
03 March 2021

Periods Return after Finishing Tamoxifen

Last reply: 03 March 2021 13:02
Hi everyone. I completed 10 years of Tamoxifen in November 2020. My periods had stopped in March 2020 and had been irregular for the past 3 years with breaks between periods of up to 3 months sometimes. They originally had stopped during chemo but returned after I finished treatment and I always had periods whilst on tamoxifen and the oncologist was worried. My oncologist had told me I was in Menopause when they had stopped altogether and was surprised I lasted so long without entering menopause as I was 36 on diagnosis. I finished with my oncologist in November after 11 years. But in December my periods returned and are regular every month since. I am just wondering if my breast cancer was Oestrogen positive and I have no tamoxifen to help with levels is it dangerous to have periods. I had a left side mastectomy but still have my right breast. Would love some advice as I cannot call my oncologist anymore.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
02 March 2021

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia research study

Are you living with a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and on the ‘watch & wait’ protocol for at least 2 years? Would you be willing to share your experience in a telephone interview? Cancer researchers at the National University of Ireland Galway are seeking participants to take part in a 30 minute telephone interview.  If you are interested in participating and would like to receive more information, please email or phone 085 236 1365.
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posted by jilly21
25 February 2021

Bowel cancer

Last reply: 01 March 2021 16:35
My dad was recently diagnosed with colon cancer with mestatic liver cancer. Is hopefully going in next week to have tumour removed from colon. Just wondering will he get any relief from symptoms once the tumour is removed and will chemo help with the liver. Really hard times at the moment the not knowing is the worst.
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posted by Flowerbud
19 February 2021

First oncologist meeting

Last reply: 01 March 2021 15:30
Hi, my father was diagnosed stage 3b lung cancer after Christmas, surgery and radiation are all out of the question due to the location of his tumor. We are meeting with his oncologist next week. I looking for advice on questions to ask etc? I have a journal of all his previous appointments and I am up to date with his medical history. Thanking you in advance.
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posted by Aish123
17 February 2021

Bowel cancer survivors

Last reply: 01 March 2021 10:23
Hi All, My Mam (62, fit and healthy otherwise) has just been diagnosed with stage 4 Bowel cancer. It was present in one lymph node and it is present in the liver also (we are not sure to what extent at this stage). She has had the tumour removed and has to wait 5 weeks before starting chemo (to recover from surgery first). They are going to try to shrink tumour in liver before removing. We are beyond devastated - as im sure everyone is fighting this disease. Anyway I'd love to know of some positive stories of recovery etc in relation to bowel cancer, stage 4 if possible Please I just really need some hope xx
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