Breast cancer
posted by Elizabeth4
31 August 2010

re: counselling

Last reply: 03 September 2010 16:18

Hello ladies. Just a quick note to say i had my first counselling session yesterday and I'm a new woman. I would recommend it for any of us.

The counsellor was a nurse who had worked in a breast clinic and then she left and trained as a psychotherapist so I really trusted her and found everything she said to be of great help. I will be going for one more session after my radiotherapy which should be starting in a week or two.

All the best and blessings to everyone.




commented by FH2
31 August 2010

31 August 2010 21:58

Hi elizabeth,

Where did you go for counselling? Are you sure just one more will be enough? Leave the door open for more should yoiu feel you need it. I know I needed it most when all the treatment was finished.

But glad you found it really helped you.


commented by Elizabeth4
01 September 2010

01 September 2010 13:01

Hi Flo.

I went to ARC House in eccles Street. Certainly I will go as often as necessary. The counsellor used to be a breast care nurse and then trained as a psychotherapist so i really trusted her and she was great.

Glad you found it good too. Where did you go?

I was at the hospital this morning to get my bloods taken etc. and saw an ad for relaxation/mindfullness etc so I have put my name down for that too.

All the best Flo.


commented by huggybear
02 September 2010

02 September 2010 11:07

hi elizabeth,

I also went for counselling in Arc House, in eccles street, I found the
counseller opened many windows for me.

She was absolutely great and very open and honest, which helped

Heres to the new woman.

Take care and stay safe.
Huggybear. Image removed.

commented by FH2
03 September 2010

03 September 2010 12:27

Hey Elizabeth,

Was it Noreen you had? She was my Breast Care Nurse in the Mater before she moved to ARC. Yes, she is fantastic!!! I found her not just able to empathise and sympathise but also great for practical stuff, and very professional.



commented by Elizabeth4
03 September 2010

03 September 2010 16:18

Hi Flo. No, it was Pat but all those words apply to her too.

Having chemo again Tuesday and am still waiting for word from St Luke's re radiotherapy.

All the best and blessings.


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