Breast cancer
posted by poppycat
05 September 2010

problems after reconstruction

Last reply: 12 October 2010 11:59

Hi I had a LC flap reconstruction done in April 2009 . I have had major problems since with the donor site with pain/ discomfort . Has anyone else had problems like this or is it just me ?????




commented by FH2
06 September 2010

06 September 2010 17:30

Hi Poppycat,

Sorry you are having such trouble since your recon. Have you spoken to your surgeon about the problems you are having? Even if you told them at one of your post-op checkups, it might be worth asking to go back again to explain you are STILL having the pains. They may be able to refer you on for physiotherapy?

I have not had LD flap recon but know someone who had it and was really happy for a while but then started having pain and tingling in her shoulder and all down her arm. She found physio gave her some relief (not total though) Image removed.

Good luck,


commented by poppycat
06 September 2010

06 September 2010 19:05

Hi Flo

Thanks for that.I am blue in the face going back to the hospital at this stage - its not doing any good . it has taken seventeen months for the wound on my back to fully close and it is only in the last three weeks or so that I am without a dressing of some decscription or other. The scar is now surrounded all round by about 4 ins of dead tissue that looks like a burn . They cannot give me any reason why this happened . In addition the muscle all down one side of my back feels damaged and that is what is causing the discomfort. I cannot see how this can be offered as a outcome to breast cancer

Poppy Image removed.

commented by FH2
09 September 2010

09 September 2010 18:01

Oh Poppy,

It is awful that you've had such a hard time with your recon recovery. 17 months for the wound to close!!! Thats terrible.

The dead tissue surround the wound now, is it black like a burn? Or red? If its black and is dead tissue (necrosis) then I think they will have to remove it and do something about it. Have they spoken to you about this at all?

I have read of similar problems after recon but they are not in the majority (no consolation to you I know). Now that the wound is closed, I would ask about correction of the dead tissue area. If the original surgeon can't do this, a plastic surgery department in the hospital might be able to offer you some options.

You're right, this is not a fair outcome of breast cancer. Keep us posted.
Good luck,


commented by poppycat
09 September 2010

09 September 2010 19:24

Hi ,

The wound site looks like a burn in that it is bright red but it feels like the damage is underneath - all down one side. No one will acknowledge that there is a problem so therefore they will/can not do anything. to be honest Im not sure that I want them to do anything as if they do have to remove the dead tissue , then they would effectively be removing a lot of my back !!!!! So obviously I am very reluctant to do that. I have spoken to a plastic surgeon also but because of all the problems i have had with the site , he doesnt want to do anything and I dont blame him . He offered some advice on what he could do to improve the appearance of breast itself as it is also covered with red areas and looks very bad but Im waiting to see him again before i decide

[quote="FH2":2usynasr]Oh Poppy,

It is awful that you've had such a hard time with your recon recovery. 17 months for the wound to close!!! Thats terrible.

The dead tissue surround the wound now, is it black like a burn? Or red? If its black and is dead tissue (necrosis) then I think they will have to remove it and do something about it. Have they spoken to you about this at all?

I have read of similar problems after recon but they are not in the majority (no consolation to you I know). Now that the wound is closed, I would ask about correction of the dead tissue area. If the original surgeon can't do this, a plastic surgery department in the hospital might be able to offer you some options.

You're right, this is not a fair outcome of breast cancer. Keep us posted.
Good luck,


commented by FH2
10 October 2010

10 October 2010 15:36

Hi Poppy,

Any update on this? Have you been back to see the plastic surgeon again since?

Have your team suggested that the red area might calm down and improve with time?


commented by poppycat
10 October 2010

10 October 2010 17:45


no i havent seen him - due to see him at end of this month

wound has slightly broken down again on the back so it is quite sore now

at the end of my tether now


[quote="FH2":2qwgyapj]Hi Poppy,

Any update on this? Have you been back to see the plastic surgeon again since?

Have your team suggested that the red area might calm down and improve with time?


commented by FH2
11 October 2010

11 October 2010 20:04

Hi Poppy,

If it is starting to break down again and giving you pain, ring the Breast Care Nurse or your consultants secretary, explain what is happening and ask to be seen earlier.

I totally understand you being at the end of your tether, I would too. But you need to keep hassling them about this. Having an open wound for that length of time cannot be good for your overall health.


commented by hopeful2
12 October 2010

12 October 2010 11:59

Dear Poppy,

that is just awful, i am sorry to say that i dont have any advice as have not had a reconstruction done yet, all this pain is unacceptable, could you perhaps post the same question on where there are boards esp for different types of reconstruction, mayby someone there has been through similar.

you poor girl after all the **** that bc puts us through to have to suffer like this with a reconstruction is awful. If you are not up to it or get too emotional like i do when trying to be assertive with the surgeon mayby take another person with you to help you express your level of pain and need to get to the bottom of its cause, we have to live with enough after this journey without unnecessary suffering.

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