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posted by Ireneok
13 February 2021

Hospital appointments

Last reply: 23 February 2021 10:22
Hi I have to go and get a breast check done. Really worried as there is a history of cancer in my family does anyone know how long the wait is now for a check with the corona virus and is there a big difference between public and private waiting times.
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posted by mersc
10 February 2021

Post Radiotherapy

Last reply: 23 February 2021 09:49
Hi I was diagnosed in September with DCIS. Have had surgery and have finished Radiotherapy on January 8th after 20 sessions. I felt really good throughout treatment but about a week after completion I started suffering from headache and dizziness. I am also on Tamoxifen since October. I am just wondering jas anyone else suffered in this way? I was back in hospital and had scans etc and thankfully they were all clear. Thought I was improving but came back last night again with a bang literally! I am also very badly constipated and not sire if its a build up of toxins or what going on.??? Any advice or wisdom is much appreciated. Regards M..
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posted by Valerie62
19 February 2021


Last reply: 19 February 2021 16:05
Went for a follow-up mammogram on the 8th feb 2021 still no results. However received a letter to attend on the 15th march for Symptomatic breast services. Have rang my doctor for mammogram results but he hasn't received any. Rang every department to try get my mammogram results but just answering machines. Out of my head with worry.
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posted by Iamstrong
18 February 2021


Last reply: 19 February 2021 15:33
Hello, I am starting tomoxifen soon and would love to know other peoples experiences on it. I'm petrified to be honest as reading about some people's side effects online lately and they sound awful. Thank you in advance. X
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posted by RC
16 February 2021

Breast lump worry

Last reply: 16 February 2021 16:31
Hi all, I had a pea sized lump in my left breast in Oct 19, went to Beaumont and got the all clear. Lump never actually went away and in the past 6 weeks I've had itchy, bleeding and discharge from nipple. Went to GP today as the lump felt really large and burning but felt like I'd been hit on my breast not sore but only on touch it felt bruise like. Anyway GP said there's a definite 5cm lump on left breast and has referred me for urgent referral to Beaumont as they have previous US and mammogram ect. I'm so worried all day and wondering if I should go private for new scan and us or wait for appointment. I'm worried with covid it'll take a long time.
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posted by desperately se…
13 July 2018

After chemo where now?

Last reply: 10 February 2021 21:03
My husband Tom (28) was diagnosed with Colon cancer in Jan this year. Thankfully the lymph nodes were clear despite initial fears as they were inflamed. Cancer was labelled 2B. It was a T4 tumour. The cells were moderate to poorly differentiated which are not the best kind. 6 months of Chemo is finishing soon. I am terrifed and unsure how to proceed. Tom's oncologist does not fill me with great confidence as we haven't seen him since January and there are some other worrying aspects of the care that bother me. I would appreciate any advice. What should happen at the end of chemo? I only know about the colonoscopy and the CT scan. Is there any blood test that can be done regularly or other things we can do to stay alert to cell changes. He tested negatively for lynch syndrome.
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posted by Masterson
22 December 2020

Stage 4 Bowle and liver cancer

Last reply: 10 February 2021 20:56
Hi, sorry to ask but a family member has been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel and liver cancer, we have been advised its incurable but can be controlled with chemo every 10 days or so . hes only in his 50s and has no other health complications . His doctor is positive but has anyone ever been through this stage ? Many thanks
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posted by Rita McAnespie
02 February 2021

Colon cancer

Last reply: 10 February 2021 20:50
Hi All, I had a colonoscopy 1 week ago and they found an ulcer/lesion on my Caecum ascending colon. Did anyone else have this? I am waiting on biopsy results. Most bowel cancer is a polyp and I cant find much info on an ulcer. Any information would be great thanks.
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posted by Pat Mc Loughlin
03 February 2021

Post Bowel Cancer Care.

Last reply: 09 February 2021 21:19
Hi All. My partner had a 6 hour bowel cancer Operation on Nov 12th 2020. The surgical team were able to remove the tumour successfully and all post Op biopsies came back clear. He does not require Chemo or Radiography. It took 2 months to find a stoma bag that worked for Michael. The stoma bag fills up fairly quickly even though Michael has been taken Imodium for over 2 months now. He is not getting any sleep as he is terrified the stoma bag will overflow and burst. He is also very hoarse since coming out of hospital. It may be because he was ventilated for 6 hours during surgery or it may be because he was tubed twice post Op as a result of the Stoma Bag not working initially in hospital. Has anyone else experienced this. We have been told that it will settle in time .3 months later and Michael has no energy from lack of sleep. Any advice on how to boost his energy levels or how to reduce the stoma bag filling up so quickly would be grateful. I wish you all every success on your road to recovery.
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posted by biddyq
30 January 2021

Hip fracture in Bone Cancer

Last reply: 08 February 2021 14:24
Good morning folks. My husband has suspected fracture in his hip due to Bone Cancer. Anyone have any experience of this please and what treatment was given. He is stage 4. He has just been brought to hospital in an ambulance as could not even stand up pain was so bad.
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