Breast cancer
posted by JudiG
12 September 2010

Nipple reconstruction & tattoo video

Last reply: 23 February 2011 17:36


Check out the video from Ch4 Embarrassing Bodies.

I'll be going through this soon and found it helpful thogh glad I'll e under anesthetic Image removed.



commented by FH2
03 January 2011

03 January 2011 13:29

Thanks for this Judi,

I have had my BM with recon (although with problems). But this is something I am considering so great to have the video of it.


commented by MollyPB
23 February 2011

23 February 2011 17:36

[color=#400080:r3c9h57m]Thanks for posting. I opted for nipple reconstruction as a result of viewing the video clip and I am delighted with the results. I have to wait another few weeks before I have the tattoo! Image removed. [/color:r3c9h57m]

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