Breast cancer
posted by Evelyn
22 October 2010

Life after BC 1 year on

Last reply: 07 December 2010 21:43

Hi everyone . . . I am finally back.
I was hit hard with depression when I finished my chemo so have been quiet on site. i still thought about you all and any new people in our "exclusive club". I am now 14 mths since mastectomy and 7 months finished chemo. I found I really needed the counselling to lift my mood. I had to start by admitting I had cancer, I used talk about it in the third person. The hair is fully back as thick as ever lol but more curly and I want it straight. The hot flushes Image removed. have calmed down too or maybe it's the weather. Have not managed to loose any of the weight I gained but I live in hope.
Love to you all Evelyn
Oh forget to tell ye have moved house in the middle of all this



commented by RoxAnn
25 October 2010

25 October 2010 12:39

Hi Evelyn,
congradulations - well done - Great to hear that you are back on track and ready for the world again.
Isn't the hair thing amazing - don't worry it will straighten when it gets longer - I used have dead straight hair which came back dark and curly but now it is just below my chin and when i blowdry it first it sits straight but waves a bit after a few hours Image removed.
It is in much better condition than what it replaced so I am happy with it. I am back to taking my hair for granted again.
Oh Evelyn I think the tamoxofin is the root of our weight issues - I am trying so hard - now I admit that i have a verrrrrrry sweet tooth but even at that I don't deserve to not be losing any weight at all..........
everyone sayes ''it will happen in time''
I guess if you eat healthy and exercise then you are doing your bit.

Moving house is stressful so glad that went well for you - I moved during my treatment too but found it a distraction.........

oh, better go here - feeding time in the den !!!

once again great to hear you back in good form.
keep it up.

commented by FH2
27 October 2010

27 October 2010 15:00

Hi Evelyn,

Its good to see you back posting. And I hope the counselling continues to help. I also found the period after treatment a difficult time.

Like RoxAnn said, don't worry about the hair being curly. Mine came back CRAZY curly but did go back to normal after a year or so. I miss the curls a bit now!



commented by Evelyn
27 October 2010

27 October 2010 22:07

Thanks girls and yes the counselling is doing me the power of good.
Flo hope all the tubes are gone at this stage

commented by d gee
27 October 2010

27 October 2010 22:20

Hi everyone,
I am over a year now, like to read about how you are all doing. I have 2 other major health problems, and dont know how i got the strength to get through it all, but you just put YOURSELF first and get on with it. I wonder about diet a lot, anyone on soya products? I have read about Bernadette, find it hard to juice etc.
Anyone on Arimadex? I cant shift the weight either, and hot flushes have come back to me!
My arm still pains me on that side, and scars very tender. Hair is back, still curly, but black and very GREY!
Keeping you all in my thoughts. Image removed.Image removed.


commented by Evelyn
29 October 2010

29 October 2010 18:43

Hi everyone
The hair is getting more curly with this rain !!! It came back very grey but I asked the hosp and they allowed me to put a colour in once it has no Ammonia or Peroxide. I am using Clairol nice'n easy. It's non permanent lasts 6-8 shampoos (I get longer) and it has covered all the grey. So I am almost a happy bunny again.
As for the weight I blame all the steroids I took during the chemo and the Tomoxifen. Now trying a small dinner plate, half ful of veg 1 potato and fish/meat/chicken. I also drink a full glass of water half an hour before I eat. Now the exercise has not began yet Image removed. but my sister has promised we are going to walk for half an hour 3/4 times a week.
Keep strong everyone Evelyn x x

commented by hopeful2
08 November 2010

08 November 2010 10:28

hi evelyn,

good to hear that you are doing well, i was also getting very down about the weight and nothing fitting me, i am not on hormonal treatment but my hormones were all over the place, i tried the ww type plan with loads of exercise, both in the morn before work and then eve after work about 3 miles each time but had no luck, lost 4lbs in 2 months of hard work. i came accross an article on the internet about increasing your metabolism so i joined "system 10" five weeks ago, on the diet 4 weeks and lost 9lbs with another weigh in tommorow night, it is based on lots of salads, plain food and exercise but all my old clothes are fitting me and my sis lost two dress sizes in the month, you eat healthily five times a day and do lots of cardio exercise with two toning sessions a week, but you also have two rest days. the results are amazing but you are putting in the work as does take a lot of preparation and exercise time. i lost three inches off my tummy.

i had mild lympademna also and the weights, wearing my sleeve has helped enormously with that and the swelling has all but gone and the size 12 tops are fitting my left arm again thank god. i am hoping to get ld reconstruction next year, am one year out of rads and it is the only reconstruction that i am eligible for. anyone else getting this done?

commented by garcon
11 November 2010

11 November 2010 19:30

Hi Evelyn,
I'm also a year on and you could be me by everything you describe. Only thing is though I am trying to put the whole cancer thing out of my mind and just forgetting about the whole bloody thing, easier said than done I know but even when I think of my weight problem I try not to blame it on cancer cos I dont want to give the cancer a hearing at all. Does that sound mad? I'm actually gone deaf to ads about cancer and some people have wanted to give me books, go on counselling courses etc but I said no, I'm finished with all that and maybe in a few years I'll do some fund raising please God but in the meantime I want to forget it ever happened. You can't change the past and if cancer has taught me one thing, it is to live in the "now", be happy today. Hope I dont sound preachy, I certainly dont mean to be and some days I'm not so great either, you just got me a really good one where I wont let that bleepin cancer win.

commented by Evelyn
07 December 2010

07 December 2010 21:43

Hi all
Garcon I know what you mean about turning your back on the cancer and trying to forget we ever had it, must admit I am a bit like that too. My problem is the word "cancer" can stil make me cry. That is the reason I try to avoid it.
Went to see the plastic surgeon about re construction, have to lose weight first GRRR. Well must admit I have put on "a lot" of weight. It sticks out in front of me, nowhere else just a big fat tummy lol. I could perform as Santa this year . . no stuffing needed lol lol. He has given me till March to lose it.
Happy Christmas to ye all
Evelyn x x x

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