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posted by Pauline Crowle…
17 March 2018

Is there anything you can do about hot flushes

Last reply: 21 March 2018 15:21
Hi recently diagnosed with overian cancer spots on stomach chest & lung had my op 3 weeks yesterday but since then im finding it very hard to cope with very bad hotflushes which started into my second chemo,since op their 100 times worst not sleeping their coming night & day
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posted by meghanbyr_
19 March 2018

Diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19

Last reply: 21 March 2018 15:20
Hi, I’m Meghan, I’ve only just turned 19 and I’ve stomach cancer. I’m still in shock from finding out and I’ve only disclosed this to my family but I have to tell some friends and I’ve no clue how to. I’m afraid that I’m going to lose them or they’ll just become very distant with me and I understand the distancing part because it’s hard for them to take it in but I’m just worried I won’t have them to turn to. I’m starting treatment this week and I guess I could use their support. Sorry for the babble. Just sort of needed to let this out.
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posted by Yoyo
06 November 2017

Feeling pressure to have reconstruction

Last reply: 18 March 2018 17:33
Hi, I am wondering if there are more women in Ireland that feel that you are expected to have reconstruction after mastectomy? I am in my young 40's and had my single mastectomy in June. I was very clear on that I did not want to do any reconstruction but rather removing the other breast and go completely flat. When I told my wish to my doctor and nurses at the Breast Check they looked at me funny and asked me if I had talked to my husband about this. When I said that it would not really matter since my body is not my husband's to decide over, they said that they still wanted me to take a bit of time to make my decision. I have later realised, through going on-line, that women in other countries are feeling the same pressure as I did to have reconstruction rather than going flat. Is there anyone in this forum that recognise this? I feel that even the ICS information leaflets are not showing what are the benefits of going flat (=no reconstruction) and how you can work on loving your body without breasts. Any one recognising these thoughts?
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posted by annie
11 March 2018

support for rare, advanced diagnosis

Last reply: 14 March 2018 11:47
Hi there, My usually healthy, active, Dad has been diagnosed with small-cell carcinoma but not in his lung, elsewhere, which I understand is rare. The prognosis is not good. The doctors seem excited by the rarity of the diagnosis which has been confusing for my parents, as they interpreted the jovial mood as something optimistic. We are all devastated and I'm not sure how to support him. If anyone has similar experiences I would appreciate hearing them. I am struggling to cope and don't want him to have to worry about me, as well.
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posted by ShellB
13 March 2018


Last reply: 14 March 2018 11:46
Hiya, Im just wondering if anyone has any experience with Choriocarcinoma. My mother died from it when she was 32.Six months after giving birth to my brother prematurely.The doctors failed to detect the cancer. Its pretty difficult to get information on it, I've only found out this is what she died from as I was always told something else. So Im just curious suppose as Im now the age she was when she died and thinking of children so just curious is anyone has experiencce or information about it that they would like to share I would appreciate it. Thank you Shell x
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posted by ElleMaria
07 March 2018

Hair Integration System

Hi Everyone, As a 28 year old woman who is currently 3 months post chemo ( I did 4 rounds of TC for my IDC Stage 1 Grade 3) I am finding it difficult to adjust the idea of living sans wig. So I'm searching for an alternative. There are hair integration systems available in UK with the likes of Mark Glenn Studio where they use a breathable mess that attaches to your own hair (I shaved all of mine off during chemo and now have circa 1 inch re-growth to work with) and they bind in a hair piece which lasts for 2/3 years but needs maintenance every 6 weeks. You can shower, swim, run your hands through your hair and It wouldn't move - you treat it just as you would your own hair. Sounds good right? but I cannot find anyone in Ireland that does this. Given that there is maintenance required every 6 weeks going back and forth to LDN just wouldn't be a realistic option. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this type of hair solution? Thanks, Elle
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posted by Hartey
25 January 2018

Question re Wig and Diet please

Last reply: 28 February 2018 10:53
Hi there, I am 42, no kids and have recently been diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Cancer - oestrogen negative, Stage 1. My op is next week, followed by 4 months chemo and radiotherapy after. I asked my consultant if there were any changes I needed to make to my diet and he said No. However I have read many articles on the link between Dairy and Breast Cancer. They all seem to refer to when Oestrogen is positive, ie hormone related Breast cancer. Does anybody know if giving up dairy would be beneficial for my type of cancer? I do consider my Diet to be very balanced, I exercise about 4 times a week, never eat processed food, but I do currently eat meat, dairy, everything really. Also, I got engaged 2 weeks before finding the lump. I went wig shopping today and was strongly advised towards a Real wig. However many of the threads here advise against. Her point was that I would be able to style it for my wedding. I would love to get married a year after last Treatment, and know my hair won't be back long again. Any advice? Thanks in advance :-) Hartey
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posted by Jovigirl
07 February 2018

Time waiting between referral and appointment

Last reply: 13 February 2018 14:38
I found a lump on my right breast and went to my GP, she then found one on the left breast and referred me to the Mater breast clinic this was 3 weeks ago and I still haven't heard from them about an appointment. How long should I be waiting to hear? Going out of my mind
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posted by Burkefa
31 January 2018

Anxious about mastectomy due soon

Last reply: 01 February 2018 16:53
Hi, Im just recovering from my final round of chemo having had two lumpectpmys prior to that that did not successfully clear the margins . Im due to have a mastectomy and reconstruction in three weeks time and would really like to talk to someone who has gone through a similar route. (BTW I am in my mid 50,s )I,m not sure I should put my phone number up on here so will wait to hear back .Thanks
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posted by Kk
22 January 2018


Last reply: 01 February 2018 09:51
Hi ladies still can't believe I'm here I'm 36 had lumpectomy last week all results came back clear nodes and surround don't know if that's the right word but ye know what I mean. Am now waiting on results of a test to see if i need chemo it has been sent to America any one had this done really scared at the thought of chemo knew i would have the radiotherphy but the thought of chemo really scares me. Would love any feedback x
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